HELP! Gaussian Blur not working…..

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Aug 8, 2003
Ok…as an example….In the past I could draw a black filled circle in PS. Next, I would click on the path that defines the edge of the circle and from the "Paths" tab, select "Make selection…then I would "Select/modify/contract" and contract the selection by 16 pixels.

I now have a selection that is slightly inside of the filled circle.

Next, I would select "Select/inverse" to select everything outside the circle PLUS the small outside portion of the circle that was previously "contracted".

I could then select "filter/blur/gaussian blur" and the small portion of exposed "circle" would be gradually blurred from the outside towards the center of the circle. Adjusting the slider on "gaussian blur" would affect how much blurr was applied to the exposed edge of the circle and to what graduating intensity.

MY PROBLEM: Now when I apply the "gaussian blur" it applies an EQUAL blurring effect to the entire selection RATHER THAN a GRADUATING BLUR FROM THE EDGE OF THE SELECTION.

The shape in question has had some effects applied…and layers merged…but it is a single layer. The Gaussian Blur isn’t working all of a sudden……I have been successfully doing this routine for 5 years.

Any suggestions?

Thanks and sorry for the lengthy explaination…I hope I detailed my process adequately.


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Aug 8, 2003
Tony, it’s something with this particular file…because I did a test with a solid colored circle per my description and it worked fine…..the Gaussian blur did indeed work as a gradated blur. But yes, you are correct in saying that the "transparent" portion of the [inverse] selection gets some blur applied to it as well, but the outer edge of the selection blurs in a graduated manner …. the length of the "blur fade" depending upon the slider control in the dialogue pop-up of the Gaussian Blur function.

It has got to be something with the way I created some effects on this particular shape using Eye Candy and the "Cutout" feature….

Can you explain the "feathered" function and how that might work for me….or applying a "gradient in the channels pallet"? Thanks a ton for helping.

Aug 10, 2003

Sorry about the delay in posting… this one scrolled off before I could get to it.

I understand what you mean about the gradual blur now – the edges will blur as a function of the slider.

In regards to feathering the selection, just select your circle, then select Inverse, then Select|Feather and feather the appropriate number of pixels. It will blur "into" the circle. I can’t recall at the moment if feathering blurs inward or outward, so you might want to try it without selecting inverse.

Another thing you can do. Select your circle and Save the selection from the Selection Menu (or Channels pallet). In the Layers Pallet, click on the Mask Icon at the bottom of the pallet – then click once on the icon of the actual mask.

Now using default colors (black and white) you can use the gradient tool to create a radial blur. That functionally leaves the circle in tact, but masks it as a feather, so to speak.

Aug 11, 2003
Thanks Tony….I’ll give it a try…and report back.


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