Use the line tool to draw the lines?
Sure, but is there a way to replicate a line easily and have it spaced apart at increments from the others?
Maybe it would be easier to place the image into Illustrator where you can step and repeat a line (and then easily vary the width) to lay over the image.
1. Make a new layer set to overlay or soft light mode, filled 50% gray
2. Filter>Sketch>Halftone Pattern. Pattern Type: Line. Size and Contrast set to taste.
3. Adjust opacity of this new layer to taste.
PS: Set Foreground and Background colors to default before using halftone filter.
I think those are simply an overlay of white lines over an image that has its own tone. Do the lines in Illustrator, use a blend to get the number of lines you want and bring that art into Photoshop on a layer where you can play with relative overall size. You may need to go at this a few times to get the exact look relative to final image size you wind up using.
I’m with you on this Ken, but don’t you think it would be even more flexible to bring the image into illustrator?
"it would be even more flexible to bring the image into illustrator?"
Yes, that would make the process easier.
So, alan, how would you save the final placed image? Place an Illustrator file? Export to another format (PDF?) and place that in InDesign? I guess it would help to know what the final application is. The goal, I would think, would be to have an image with tone, yet also have lines that maintain vector sharpness laid over the top of the image.
I think I would save and export from Illustrator, although doing a blend in illustrator for the lines is probably the best idea it could one could also place the original image in ID and do a step and repeat of white lines.
Either one works for me.
Ja, we have so many nice choices to work with these days.