Sauvegarder un ‘Projet’ Photoshop sans l’image originale ?

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Apr 26, 2005

Voila mon probleme:
Ce que je voudrais faire, c’est lorsque j’ai un Projet Photoshop avec ds calques de reglage sur mon image, je voudrait sauvegarder tous ca dans un fichier, pour ne pas avoir a tous recommancer si je veux faire une modif plus tard. Je peux faire ca en sauvegardant mon projet dans un fichier PSP mais il inclus aussi l’image(s) original et semble t’il non compresse (3Mo => 15Mo pour un photo originale 5Mo) alors que moi je demanderai juste a ce qu’il sauvegarde une reference vers les fichiers source, comme ca mon projet peserait selement quelque kilo.
On peux faire ca tres simplement avec tous le logiciel de montage Video (et heuresement), alors pourquoi (ou comment) faire ca avec un logiciel photo professionel comme PS?


MacBook Pro 16” Mockups 🔥

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Apr 26, 2005
Parlez-vous anglais ?
Apr 26, 2005
Ok, Yes I can speak english,

So I will do it again in english:

Shortly, what I would like to do is to save all my photoshop project, witout the original picture(s), but just the parameters of my changes and my layers, not the orinal picture but a link to it. Exactly like for a Video project in Premiere.

I want to do that, like that I keep my original picture and a small PS project. If I want I can save in a Jpeg, but I always can go back to my project to adjust it.

The only wait to save the changes of my picture that I could modify latter, is to save it as PSP file, but then the file is very big ~14Mo for a 5Mp, so I suspect PSP file to include non compressed picture instead of storing a reference to the initial picture.

Any good solution for that? 😉

Apr 26, 2005
Not in PS

Pas dans PS
Apr 26, 2005
You could do something like that with Adjustment Layers and/or Action scripting, but its not the same workflow…
Apr 26, 2005
What do you mean by Adjustment Layers. In fact I do all my modification in Layers, but I do not know how to save just the Layers in just one file without the original picture.

By the way, I’m so surprise that a such Professional product do not have such feature. Do you know one that can store the project itself without the original picture?

Thanks for your help.
Apr 27, 2005
If I’m not mistaken, "calques de reglage" is probably the French for "adjustment layers". Ordinary layers contain colored areas, pieces of the image, while adjustment layers are layers that apply curves, levels, and other adjustments to the layers below, nondestructively. If your project consists of a background image and multiple adjustment layers, you could delete the background image and save it as a .PSD file containing only the adjustment layers, for use as an adjustment template for a group of similar images with the same size. You could then open it, drag in a photo image, and move it to the bottom layer.

MacBook Pro 16” Mockups 🔥

– in 4 materials (clay versions included)

– 12 scenes

– 48 MacBook Pro 16″ mockups

– 6000 x 4500 px

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