Trick to do this in PS CS3?

Posted By
Feb 24, 2008
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..

I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

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Feb 24, 2008
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog. Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)
Feb 25, 2008
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog. Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
Feb 25, 2008
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog. Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush

if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker
just bob
Feb 25, 2008
Hi, Your link is to a protected page. Would love to see your sample.

"KatWoman" wrote in message
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog. Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker
Feb 25, 2008
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog. Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker

For teeth, I mostly make a selection (the new quick-select in CS3 is fantastic for this) and add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.
I then desaturate the red/yellows, or whatever color the subject’s poor teeth might be.
I then add a Curves adj. with the same mask to lighten.
This way I keep in control. I don’t like over-whitened teeth and in my enthousiasm they often are at first.
Your link is set to private, I would like to see your result too.

Feb 28, 2008
"Zilla" wrote:

I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


Some you may have to apply one or more different method to get the result you want.

1. You can use Dodge/Burn with very low opacity

2. You can use Lasso with some Feather, you don’t have to make a perfect Lasso but just enough so the command won’t effect other part besides the teeth (or eyes).

– Then you can use either "Color Balance", "Hue/Sat"

– Sometime you may have to adjust the specific color *not* the whole RGB color

– Sometime you have to use multiple tools

IOW, you know the basic and all you need to do is adapting different method for different need’s.

3. And if the above won’t work then multiple LAYERS would do the trick, and multiple layers is also a good method to remove braces etc..

Again, learn to adapt the teeth whitening, braces remover etc. to other project. Or don’t need to ask somilar like how to whiten the eyes, how to whiten the toe nail etc.. as it would be similar to the TEETH.
Feb 28, 2008
"Fred" wrote:

For teeth, I mostly make a selection (the new quick-select in CS3 is fantastic for this) and add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.
I then desaturate the red/yellows, or whatever color the subject’s poor teeth might be.
I then add a Curves adj. with the same mask to lighten.
This way I keep in control. I don’t like over-whitened teeth and in my enthousiasm they often are at first.
Your link is set to private, I would like to see your result too.

Those are pretty much what I use. I just use all the available tools for the better result, or I don’t want to spend too much time on some tool that doesn’t work well, but I switch to different tool for the right job. And it shouldn’t take more than some seconds average, up to 1-2 minutes on the complex issue.
Feb 29, 2008
"Fred" wrote in message
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog. Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker

For teeth, I mostly make a selection (the new quick-select in CS3 is fantastic for this) and add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.
I then desaturate the red/yellows, or whatever color the subject’s poor teeth might be.
I then add a Curves adj. with the same mask to lighten.
This way I keep in control. I don’t like over-whitened teeth and in my enthousiasm they often are at first.
Your link is set to private, I would like to see your result too.
my flickr page should be public
maybe you have to enter the front page first
Tom Nelson
Feb 29, 2008
Here’s the fast way:
1. Press Q to get Quick Mask mode
2. Paint black over the teeth with a soft-edged brush. Although the foreground color is black, the color on the image is red. You are masking out the teeth, leaving the rest of the picture capable of being altered. This is the opposite of what you want.
3. Press Q again to exit Quick Mask mode and return to marching ants mode. There’s a selection around the teeth.
4. Press Cmd-shift-I (PC = ctrl-shift-I) to Invert Selection. The teeth can now be altered and not the rest of the picture.
5. Cmd-H (PC=ctrl-H) to Hide Selection. It’s still selected but the marching ants disappear.
6. Cmd-U (PC = strl-U) to get Hue/Saturation. Reduce saturation of the teeth a bit (try 10-20%) and increase brightness (try 7%). Don’t go overboard or the teeth will look artificial. Since only the teeth are selected and the selection border is hidden, you can directly compare your changes to the rest of the portrait.

That’s 5 keypresses, a little painting, and twiddling two sliders. Total time, 30 seconds.

Tom Nelson
Tom Nelson Photography

In article <DTlwj.108809$L%>, Zilla

I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


Feb 29, 2008
"Fred" wrote in message
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog.
Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker

For teeth, I mostly make a selection (the new quick-select in CS3 is fantastic for this) and add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.
I then desaturate the red/yellows, or whatever color the subject’s poor teeth might be.
I then add a Curves adj. with the same mask to lighten.
This way I keep in control. I don’t like over-whitened teeth and in my enthousiasm they often are at first.
Your link is set to private, I would like to see your result too.
my flickr page should be public
maybe you have to enter the front page first

I can get to the frontpage without any problem, but I have no idea how to get to the photo.
Very nice work you are doing, btw
Feb 29, 2008
"Fred" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog.
Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker

For teeth, I mostly make a selection (the new quick-select in CS3 is fantastic for this) and add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.
I then desaturate the red/yellows, or whatever color the subject’s poor teeth might be.
I then add a Curves adj. with the same mask to lighten.
This way I keep in control. I don’t like over-whitened teeth and in my enthousiasm they often are at first.
Your link is set to private, I would like to see your result too.
my flickr page should be public
maybe you have to enter the front page first

I can get to the frontpage without any problem, but I have no idea how to get to the photo.
Very nice work you are doing, btw

If you click sets or one of the keywords
Thank you
Feb 29, 2008
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
"KatWoman" wrote in message
"Fred" wrote in message
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


The way to do this is almost exactly as you describe.
Make a rough selection around the teeth, then select the color range command (Select>Color range) and click on the teeth. Hold down shift to add to the selection if necessary.
Your selection acts as a ‘pre-selection’ inside the color range dialog.
Use the fuzziness slider to ‘feather’ the selection.
Or, if you want to be more careful, you can make a general selection and put it on it’s own layer to work on. (cmd/ctrl-J)

I never do it by selection
I always just dodge the teeth and eye whites with a soft edge brush
if you choose dodge highlights it will not mess with the other colors (the lips eyeballs etc)

then I use BURN shadows to get the eyeliner/lashes darker

For teeth, I mostly make a selection (the new quick-select in CS3 is fantastic for this) and add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.
I then desaturate the red/yellows, or whatever color the subject’s poor teeth might be.
I then add a Curves adj. with the same mask to lighten.
This way I keep in control. I don’t like over-whitened teeth and in my enthousiasm they often are at first.
Your link is set to private, I would like to see your result too.
my flickr page should be public
maybe you have to enter the front page first

I can get to the frontpage without any problem, but I have no idea how to get to the photo.
Very nice work you are doing, btw

If you click sets or one of the keywords
Thank you

RE FLICKR: also works on SLIDESHOW, then click VIEW PHOTO PAGE if you need to see any image larger , it will be in a window behind the slideshow
click ‘more sizes" on the little words at the top of the image
Feb 29, 2008
In article <DTlwj.108809$L%>,
I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


After the Selection has been made, create an Adjustment Layer (the Selection will now be a "mask" for that Adjustment Layer), and go to Hue/Saturation. Explore all three adjustments, Hue, Brightness & Saturation. Both Brightness and Saturation would be my first two stops, increasing the Brightness a bit, and then turning down the Saturation. Finally, play with Hue, if you are still not happy.

Mar 1, 2008
Thanks, making the isolated selection was the trick I was after.

"Tom Nelson" wrote in message
Here’s the fast way:
1. Press Q to get Quick Mask mode
2. Paint black over the teeth with a soft-edged brush. Although the foreground color is black, the color on the image is red. You are masking out the teeth, leaving the rest of the picture capable of being altered. This is the opposite of what you want.
3. Press Q again to exit Quick Mask mode and return to marching ants mode. There’s a selection around the teeth.
4. Press Cmd-shift-I (PC = ctrl-shift-I) to Invert Selection. The teeth can now be altered and not the rest of the picture.
5. Cmd-H (PC=ctrl-H) to Hide Selection. It’s still selected but the marching ants disappear.
6. Cmd-U (PC = strl-U) to get Hue/Saturation. Reduce saturation of the teeth a bit (try 10-20%) and increase brightness (try 7%). Don’t go overboard or the teeth will look artificial. Since only the teeth are selected and the selection border is hidden, you can directly compare your changes to the rest of the portrait.

That’s 5 keypresses, a little painting, and twiddling two sliders. Total time, 30 seconds.

Tom Nelson
Tom Nelson Photography

In article <DTlwj.108809$L%>, Zilla

I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


Mar 1, 2008
I just tried this selection/isolation and it was exactly was I was looking for.

One technique I learned for "teeth whitening" from Scott Kelby’s book was to (once the teeth are isolated)
1. Bring up the Hue & Saturation tool
2. Choose Yellow from the drop down menu (instead of Master)
3. Reduce saturation
4. Choose Master from the drop down menu
5. Increase Lightness

Like everyone suggested – don’t make them too white, else they look fake. "Zilla" wrote in message
Thanks, making the isolated selection was the trick I was after.
"Tom Nelson" wrote in message
Here’s the fast way:
1. Press Q to get Quick Mask mode
2. Paint black over the teeth with a soft-edged brush. Although the foreground color is black, the color on the image is red. You are masking out the teeth, leaving the rest of the picture capable of being altered. This is the opposite of what you want.
3. Press Q again to exit Quick Mask mode and return to marching ants mode. There’s a selection around the teeth.
4. Press Cmd-shift-I (PC = ctrl-shift-I) to Invert Selection. The teeth can now be altered and not the rest of the picture.
5. Cmd-H (PC=ctrl-H) to Hide Selection. It’s still selected but the marching ants disappear.
6. Cmd-U (PC = strl-U) to get Hue/Saturation. Reduce saturation of the teeth a bit (try 10-20%) and increase brightness (try 7%). Don’t go overboard or the teeth will look artificial. Since only the teeth are selected and the selection border is hidden, you can directly compare your changes to the rest of the portrait.

That’s 5 keypresses, a little painting, and twiddling two sliders. Total time, 30 seconds.

Tom Nelson
Tom Nelson Photography

In article <DTlwj.108809$L%>, Zilla

I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.


Mar 1, 2008
In article <DTlwj.108809$L%>,
"Zilla" wrote:

I what to whiten someone’s teeth. I know I can use the lasso tool to select the teeth carefully and then do the whitening..
I was wondering if there’s a way to isolate the general area around the teeth; then I can just pcik the teeth color with the eye dropper, and replace that color with my choice of white. IOW, I don’t to replace all the pixels in the image with the same color as the teeth, just within the selection.

Wow, everyone’s giving you all kinds of cumbersome, clumsy ways to do it. Quick Mask and paint, Dodge/Burn tool…

You don’t even need to do any of that. Make a loose selelection around the teeth with the lasso and use the Curves command. Change the curve to isolate only the tonal range you want. Boom! Two steps, three seconds, done.

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