Question about Alpha Channel template

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Dec 4, 2008
I dont understand completely how to I can copy only the alpha channels! This is the instruction manual of the template:
Once you have completed the painting work on your Texture Template, be sure to save it in its original form as a layered .psd document. Then, "flatten" the image, and save as a .bmp file with the name you wish to use for your paint scheme. Example: "DFB58_N12345.bmp". This name indicates that the template is for the DreamFleet (DF) Baron 58 (B58), and the N1234 is the registration number you painted on the aircraft. If you are doing a livery for an airliner, you can substitute the name of the airline for the registration number.

The name is not important, and DreamManager will work with any name, however we suggest a logical name so that you and others will know what the texture is. With little doubt, after all this painting work, you may wish to share your texture with others by uploading it to a file library, thus, a logical name will help identify it.

With your Texture Template now saved with a proper name and as a .bmp file, it is now time to prepare the Alpha Channel template.

Re-open the .psd version of the template in your paint program, and using whatever means you feel comfortable with, copy the entire alpha channel only to a new document. Once in the new document as a standard image layer, flatten the image, convert to grey scale if necessary, and then save this file as a .bmp file, the same as you did with your Texture Template. Use the same name that you used with the Texture Template, except add the suffix "_A" at the end of the name. If you have done this properly, your alpha channel template will be the same size as your Texture Template (typically 4096 x 1024).


Name of your Texture Template: DFB58_N12345.bmp

Name of your Alpha Channel Template: DFB58_N12345_A.bmp

can someone help me how to do this?
How can I copy the entire alpha channel only to a new document?


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Dec 4, 2008
Use the Image>Apply Image… command.

1. Create the new document with same dimensions with the one having the alpha channel.

2. In the Apply Image dialog choose the source document and then the alpha channel.

3. The target should be the new document; blending normal.
Dec 5, 2008
Hallo Wolf
Thanks for the comment, but I have still problems, see here

So i have tray to do like you said.
Firts I Created a new document with the same dimensions. Then I choose in the menu bar “ image” and there I go to “ Apply Image” In the Apply Image dialog I choose in
1) Source: the document where the channels are.
But then you have there some more choises
2) Layer: first choise is “ Merged “ and than the folliwing choise: “all the different layers”
3) Channel: “transparency” , “ RGB”,”RED”,Green”,”Bleu” and “Alpha 1”
4) Target: is the new document
5) Blending: Normal
6)Opacity: 100%
7) And then you have two more choise “ check box” Preserve Transparency and Mask
8)When I check “ Mask” than there are three more choises
1) Image:
2) Layer:
3) Channel
4) And a litle box Invert
In nr 2 channel: wat must I do there?
And must I Also check the box Mask or not?
If you want you can download here the template I refer to.
Mayby this can help you for more information.
I have tray different way’s still i have problems, I have a Black Airplaine

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