Laser b/w print is dotty

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Sep 12, 2003
I am trying to print solid black graphics with a Canon b/w lbp4i laser printer. I need help choosing settings.

What are the optimal settings for achieving solid black prints.

At present I keep getting a very grainy print when I want solid black graphics.

Could some point me in the right direction……never had this trouble with bubblejet…

Is there a tutorial on setting up photoshop 7 for laser printing…?

How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

Sep 12, 2003
can you get solid black from other software?
Sep 12, 2003
I just tried importing image into MS word as png, made a setting change on image to make it black/white, this gave result I wish for. Solid colour.

Now how do i do this in photoshop…

Thks for you help, always used photoshop for web previously, so quite new to printing…. 🙂
Sep 12, 2003
Just before you print with Photoshop, check the printer properties from Photoshops Print Dialog – check your dithering options. LaserJets dither graphics and you can usually tell it whether to print graphics as line art, or to dither it, and if dithering, how much. That may help. Photoshop reads the default settings in the printer driver and it may be set to "I don’t care because Word Prints it Okay" <grin>.

Sep 12, 2003
OK….manged to get solid color after converting to bmp format, although I am now having problems with fuzzy edges, this I presume is because of antialising/dither of original image.

What is a good procedure to use when converting to bmp to keep edges clean..?
Sep 12, 2003
BMP images are only black and white – no shades – not a good strategy. So functionally, you are printing Line Art. Try the suggestion from my previous post.
Sep 12, 2003
I dont know where this came from, but just a question from me, would converting to greyscale make any diference?
Sep 12, 2003

Well, Laserjets always produce dots. Older models were 300 dpi and HP had RET (Resolution enhancing technology) to make smaller dots. Newer model LaserJets are 600dpi (usually). So one is going to see dithering. But in the printer driver, you set the amount and type of dithering so that grayscale images come out better. For the HP series of LaserJets, there’s: None, Fine, Course, Line Art, and Error Diffusion. Almost all LJ’s have something similar, so I’m telling him to play with those. When you do that, you can force it to B/W only (line art) or enhanced for photographic images (course) or for web style graphics (fine).
Sep 12, 2003
Hey you 2, thks for ya help…….

Well after much testing, I’m slowly getting a resonable print..sort of!

YrbkMgr…. I had a look at my print settings, I have;

Halftoning = Auto, Supercell, dither 6×6, dither 8×8.

Changed to Supercell and printed in greyscale, this gave better result …some grain still shows.

So far bmp has been only one to give full fill.

I am using 600 dpi resolution image.

Would there be a setting for greyscale that might help the fill rate.

Or would changing the Halftone Screen setting in print preview help ??
Sep 12, 2003
some grain still shows.

I’m not surprised. It’s tough for laserjets to do a great job relative to inkjets.

Or would changing the Halftone Screen setting in print preview help ??

Uhm… unless your image is CMYK and you’re sending it out, I wouldn’t touch it.

Maybe you could post your image somewhere and tell us the link. Also explain exactly what you’re after. Maybe it’s possible, maybe not.

At this point it’s been about reducing dithering, which, in most circumstances, on a laserjet you will find quite a challenge.
Sep 12, 2003
I think I got it now, thanks much for your help….

Printing in greyscale, going to levels checking they are set close together to keep black as close to black as poss.

Phew….this is more of a pain than web graphics was, talk about a waste of paper!!
Sep 12, 2003
YrbkMgr, Thks again, gonna have to give it a rest for today. A least i’m getting better results, if not perfect.
I have also learn’t alot, could say my first tutorial in

Greyscale to keep edges clean.
Bmp… well ok for type only.
Played alot with general printer settings helped.

Going to investgate if i can print vector-shapes tomorrow…?? not sure about this, may have to move to Illustrator for this..
Sep 12, 2003
Photoshop prints vector fine. Just make sure you have the correct "dithering" options in the print driver.

Good luck.


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

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