you need to save the whole set
Hi Buko –
What do you mean by the whole set?
Because, it’s what I try to do, but only one folder is saved
Not all the sets visible into the ‘action’ palette.
Is it possible then?
– Dimitri
You do have to save each "Set" separately.
Or you could put all of your Actions into one "Set".
You can do what I do and back up all of your system preferences by Option dragging (copying) the contents of your Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop CS3 Settings folder to another location.
This will copy everything including your workspaces, actions, tool preferences etc – it works for me meaning that if I go to a freelance job I can just go through the process of using this backed up folder to replace the one on their system, creating my "Home Space" instantly saving me 10 minutes work
They are going to make this process more transparent in the future
As Mark said. If you just want the actions and not everything else, there is a file in those folders where your (currently loaded) actions are stored (should be named "actions" or something obvious). You can just backup that.
Close Photoshop before copying stuff from there as Photoshop won’t update changes in the files until you close the program.
Seems to me the easiest way would be to simply copy the Actions folder from the Presets folder to another location or media.
I am a little leery of doing it with the Preferences files. If you have the actual .atn files (or whatever Preset)you can transfer the individual action sets to other computer more easily.
What do you mean by the whole set?
highlight you set
in the action panel flyout > save actions
You can however only save (and re-load) one "Set" at a time.
You might want to copy some of your Actions from different Sets into one more-encompassing Set?