my postcard…again…

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Oct 7, 2005

hi – please see the above. i made the blue image you see on the above in PS. set at RGB at 300 dpi, it will be printed as on glossy card stock for our mail out.

after i made up the image in PS, i saved it as an uncompressed TIF file, then imported it into Quark.

When i printed it on my color 300 dpi printer, the image doesnt look too good – the address is pixely and the logo is jagged.

did not convert it to CMYK but even if i do, will this improve the printout?

is the problem because i’m just using a standard color printer and when it’s actually sent to the printer, will the image print clearly?

did i save it in the correct file – TIF? or should i save it as something else?

any assistance is appreciated.

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Oct 7, 2005
What resolution was the logo you used? Also what kind of printer and paper are you using to view this on? Why did you import it into Quark as well?

Cybernetic Nomad
Oct 7, 2005
If you’re going to import into Quark, I’d recommend saving as EPS instead.
Oct 7, 2005
I would seriously consider changing most of your image to vector and then you won’t have the pixelation problems. There are a few areas you could keep as dots, but even there, a vector mask would reduce the pixelation seen at the edges. In other words: don’t do this in Photoshop. Use a vector program (IL, FH, CD, etc.) instead.
Oct 7, 2005
ok i imported it into quark because that’s where the rest of the design is [for layout].

the logo is 5000 dpi.

have not saved it as an eps file so i will try that.

any other advice is appreciated.

Oct 7, 2005
5000 dpi is way too much. I doubt making a bitmap file eps will change anything.
John Mensinger
Oct 7, 2005
5000 dpi is way too much. I doubt making a bitmap file eps will change anything.

I agree with both parts of that statement. 5000ppi is simply a waste of resources…you probably don’t even need the 300ppi so many people seem to think of as the minimum for print. (It may even be possible that such image data bloat caused the print spooling process to choke, and Quark printed a low-resolution ‘proxy’ image, resulting in the ‘pixelation’ you see.)

There is nothing to gain in terms of output quality by saving a raster image as EPS, as opposed to TIFF.

Other than what I mentioned already, I’d say it’s likely that the ugly output is due to your printer, (is it a Postscript printer?), or a print setting in Quark. It’s been a long time since I’ve used Quark, (I regard it as obsolete), but if memory serves, check the options tab and make sure your output settings are "Normal" and that something like "Full-resolution TIFF output" is selected.
Oct 7, 2005
Postscript printer?
Oct 10, 2005
thanks john slate
Oct 10, 2005
you may also want to add more bleed, and lose the black key line, use crop marks instead, it will make cutting it out so much more easier.
Gustavo Sanchez
Oct 10, 2005

That postcard can be done wholly in Photoshop as a PDF and there’s no need to go to Quark. If I may say so, I would:

1. Create a new document in Photoshop: CMYK, 300 ppi, final size + 3 mm on each size to allow bleed $ trimming (as TDO hinted. That’s very important. No black lines to mark limits).

2. Distribute in layers (from bottom to top):

a. The White & Blue Background in a layer for it at the background. (The blue in a CMYK build to avoid teeth crushing and weeping afterwards).

b. The type for the "Business reply mail, blah, blah…" in a text layer just for it. Color: 100% black no other color.

c. The reverse white type over blue: In another text layer. Color: Plain white (that is: CMYK 0%).

d. The text "A New beginning…", another text layer. Fill: The Shade of yellow that best suits your taste (remember: always CMYK). Apply a Layer style for the drop shadow (the colour of the shadow: 100% black, Blend mode: multiply at 70% or so). Apply a second layer style (gradient overlay I think it’s called in English). Modify it until you are satisfied.

e. In another layer, place the "WORLD" logotype, with its gray and white box (use a drop shadow style as well for it).

f. another text layer for the text ‘Around you’ in another text layer with a CMYK blue (No RGB blue, or your’ll be disappointed otherwise).

Save as PDF (ZIP compression / Include vector data / Embed fonts).

That should do, I hope 🙂

PS. I’d use and include a CMYK profile to avoid trespassing ink limits (that is, to avoid putting too much ink somewhere).

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