How to save multiple save clipboard images to folder with actions

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May 9, 2005
I have a CD with multiple images I can see with the included exe player only. I plan to copy the screen images to the clipboard one at a time by hitting the print screen button, then with a photoshop action, save it to a folder on the desktop. Works but the image title is always "untitled-1" so it replaces the previous image.
How do I fix this problem?
Thanks for the help.

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May 9, 2005
This might work. In your action, don’t record "Close"ing a document. Then, every time your action creates a new document and pastes the clipboard image, this new document will have a different name as long as the old one is still open. After a few documents are on your desktop, you might want to close them all and then run a batch rename to something other than "Untitled".

A little cumbersome I guess but might do the trick.

May 9, 2005
You’d be far better off using the free screen cap utility: <>. You can then cap to disk with automaic filenaming conventions. You are limited to GIF, BMP, and JPG, but it works well and is easy.

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