Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error… Sorry but this error is unrecoverable.

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Feb 7, 2007
I am using CS2 and occasionally receive the following message when starting up (both at home and at my work computer):

Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry but this error is unrecoverable.

Usually Photoshop will start up the second time, but tonight it took three tries. I found a thread on the forum that talked about PS 6.0, but it was a dead link.

Is there anything I can do?

Monte Evans

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Feb 7, 2007
First thing to try is deleting your Photoshop preferences as per the Forum FAQs
Feb 7, 2007
I should have mentioned it before. I have trashed my preferences. Maybe they have become corrupt again, because this problem does not occur every time at all – only occasionally – but on both of my computers.

I really didn’t think it was my prefs since I could usually just restart Photoshop and it would start up correctly the next time – without trashing the prefs.
Feb 7, 2007
Are you by any chance using the same antivirus program both at home and at work? If so, which one?
Feb 7, 2007
Have you installed any of the Registry tweaks (optional extensions) from the Goodies folder?
Feb 8, 2007
I am using McAfee antivirus software on both machines.

I have not installed any "Registry tweaks"

Feb 8, 2007
When I get this error message (under PS 7) it’s PS’s way of saying, "Out of RAM."

Options that resolve this for me:
* Shutdown other applicaitons, e.g., Corel Painter
* Use Task Manager to spot rogue processes that have gone amuck, for example the other day I found an Internet Explorer session chewing up 250+ Kb, which is totally out of whack. Using Task Manager to delete such a process makes PS happy again. No reboot needed.
* Reboot. Sometimes memory leaks chew up RAM which cannot be freed by stopping tasks or closing applications.

Hope this helps…

Feb 10, 2007
after downloading the trial for cs2, and unzipping.. i put in my serial number to get past and start the installation process.. it starts that process but stops by tellin me i do not have access to Data1.cab … does anybody know what this means, or how I can get around it??
Feb 10, 2007
or how I can get around it??

By starting a unique thread on the subject.

Hijacking someone else’s unrelated thread spoils the flow of information on the original topic and does your question no favours either.

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