Photoshop7 7 to CS5.5

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Sep 12, 2012
Hi in PS7 I had the ability to go back at a later date and edit a layer that had text. Simply select the layer and click on the text and edit it.

Now in CS5.5 when I click on the text I get a new layer added. Even though I have the text selected in the left hand tool box.

What gives ???

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Sep 12, 2012
On 2012-09-12 11:36:32 -0700, said:

Hi in PS7 I had the ability to go back at a later date and edit a layer that had text. Simply select the layer and click on the text and edit it.

Now in CS5.5 when I click on the text I get a new layer added. Even though I have the text selected in the left hand tool box.
What gives ???

It still works the same. There are two issues here:
1: Select the text layer you want to edit.
2: After selecting the text tool, make sure you place the cursor on the line of text you want to edit before clicking to place the cursor in, or behind the text on the line, or selecting the block of text with the text tool cursor. If not, CS5 will function as if you want to add another text layer.

So, just be aware of where you place that text cursor before making the edit selection.


Oct 1, 2012
On Wednesday, 12 September 2012 22:55:18 UTC+1, Savageduck wrote:
On 2012-09-12 11:36:32 -0700, said:

Hi in PS7 I had the ability to go back at a later date and edit a layer

that had text. Simply select the layer and click on the text and edit


This is what I have been doing and it worked in PS7. It insists on creating a brand new text layer.

Now in CS5.5 when I click on the text I get a new layer added. Even

though I have the text selected in the left hand tool box.

What gives ???

It still works the same. There are two issues here:

1: Select the text layer you want to edit.

2: After selecting the text tool, make sure you place the cursor on the
line of text you want to edit before clicking to place the cursor in,
or behind the text on the line, or selecting the block of text with the
text tool cursor. If not, CS5 will function as if you want to add
another text layer.

So, just be aware of where you place that text cursor before making the
edit selection.



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