Image Rotation/Orientation Question

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Jan 9, 2006
Hi All,

I’m using Photoshop Elements 4.0 on Windows XP and I’m having a little bit of trouble with image orientation/rotation that I’m hoping someone can help with.

For images that were taken with the camera sideways (i.e. portrait), it appears as if the orientation of the image is different in PSE Organizer as opposed to Windows Explorer. What I mean by this is that the image appears with the correct orientation in PSE Organizer (i.e. the person’s head is right side up) but the incorrect orientation in Explorer (i.e. the person’s head is sideways).

Is there any way to get PSE to display the same orientation as Explorer so that I can use PSE to rotate the image? This way both PSE and Explorer would have the same orientation.

Sorry if I’ve done a poor job of explaining my problem but this was the best way I could think of describing it.


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Jan 15, 2006
Thank you everyone for your replies. I’ve done a few test and it looks like Windows explorer isn’t interpreting the Orientation tag in the photo’s metadata correctly. The steps I took are shown below. If anyone has any comments I would be very intereted to hear them.

I took three photos:

PhotoA: Automatic Rotation on, camera held at +90 degrees Result: Orientation tag set to "Rotate 90"; displays correctly in PSE; displays incorrectly in Explorer

PhotoB: Automatic Rotation on, camera held at -90 degrees Result: Orientation tag set to "Rotate -90"; displays correctly in PSE; displays incorrectly in Explorer

PhotoC: Automatic Rotation off, camera held at +90 degrees Result: Orientation tag set to "Normal"; displays incorrectly in PSE; displays incorrectly in Explorer

I also manually rotated PhotoA in Explorer using the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer and the result was that the picture displayed properly in both Explorer and PSE. Windows seems to have accomplished this by rotating the photo and deleting the Orientation tag. I am a little leary of using this approach because of the warning about a potential permanent reduction in picture quality.

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