Metallic Gold or silver plugin or technique

Posted By
Advance Scout
Aug 15, 2007
I am looking for a plugin or technique that can turn a photo of someones face into ‘gold’- not just a golden color – but the look of a shiny metallic gold ring or silver ring or coin. I have found techniques for turning text into ‘gold’ letters but not faces. In other words I would like to turn someones photo into a gold coin look. Any links or plugins?

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Aug 23, 2007
On Aug 15, 3:37 pm, Advance Scout wrote:
I am looking for a plugin or technique that can turn a photo of someones face into ‘gold’- not just a golden color – but the look of a shiny metallic gold ring or silver ring or coin. I have found techniques for turning text into ‘gold’ letters but not faces. In other words I would like to turn someones photo into a gold coin look. Any links or plugins?

Give this a shot. foil030908.htm

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