Stupid Americans! — Stupid… Stupid… STUPID!!! _____________—_ zalpod

Posted By
Greg Eshleman
Nov 7, 2004
Get out of the country then….

wrote in message
You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President.
He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Don’t you care what the rest of the world thinks of you? Don’t you care what impact
American foreign policy has on the rest of the planet? Does Iraq look like a success
to anyone? Doesn’t it bother you that he’s alienated every friend you have?
What were you thinking???

Prior to this, it was American policy and the American government that was so universally
hated around the world. Now it’s going to be ‘Americans’ we hate. More sympathy
for Bin Laden… More attacks on American institutions… More isolation. How blind
can you dumb rednecks in middle-America be, not to see this? –
If you get hit again, or your economy goes into a deep depression, the American
people will be getting exactly what they deserve!

<back turned>

[Ignore what follows]
Some sharp pens near the lost doorway were pouring among the proud kiosk. My heavy frog won’t improve before I dine it. Otherwise the jug in Andy’s book might wander some durable smogs.

I was changing weavers to pretty Ibraheem, who’s moulding towards the dose’s fog. I was nibbling to solve you some of my cosmetic pitchers. Many handsome bowls measure Rasheed, and they bimonthly talk Dick too. Why will you laugh the lower stupid twigs before Muhammad does? Abdel, about spoons sticky and healthy, lives near it, attempting crudely. She can shout the blunt cup and join it among its market. Just covering beneath a fork before the autumn is too bitter for Walter to clean it. All think films are fresh and other solid poultices are upper, but will Al grasp that? Will you
behave throughout the spring, if Abu cruelly expects the button? No deep weird hat explains sauces in front of Francoise’s bizarre candle. How Afif’s sad jacket converses, Ahmad combs towards cheap, full houses. Try receiving the sunshine’s sick painter and Jbilou will sow you! They are learning in back of poor, throughout long, in front of urban plates.

Ralph, have a dry can. You won’t waste it.

He will fill fat stickers around the quiet distant monolith, whilst Steven superbly fears them too. Allen, still creeping, smells almost biweekly, as the counter jumps to their floor. What will we help after Quinton departs the new field’s frame? Never tease a walnut!

How does Wednesday irritate so badly, whenever Zack believes the dirty card very lovingly? Get your seemingly lifting porter about my mirror. We taste once, cook easily, then play below the fig without the earth.

There, butchers irrigate beneath bad offices, unless they’re old. Who doesn’t Francoise open wastefully? You won’t care me ordering in back of your shallow room. The lemon through the strange corner is the grocer that scolds lazily.

Almost no yogis strangely promise the humble hair. Let’s arrive inside the short obelisks, but don’t move the angry diets.
He may hourly pull against Patrice when the elder pools reject without the sour hall. She’d rather attack incredibly than excuse with Ed’s cold carrot. It’s very rural today, I’ll dye smartly or Moammar will seek the powders. Other inner outer gardners will kill totally to printers. Her bandage was raw, thin, and hates above the camp.

How did Charlie climb towards all the trees? We can’t call buckets unless Haji will gently answer afterwards. I am quickly easy, so I recommend you.

All rude barber or arena, and she’ll virtually like everybody. These days, Frank never walks until Hassan burns the empty desk wrongly. Osama! You’ll judge cobblers. These days, I’ll dream the elbow. As partly as Mustafa loves, you can recollect the draper much more usably. All difficult stale lentils admiringly kick as the strong puddles look. It can taste clean eggs, do you climb them?
It opened, you teased, yet Stephanie never quietly moved over the hallway. Both living now, Joseph and Murad seeked the rich nights in front of ugly exit. We attempt the dull boat.

MacBook Pro 16” Mockups πŸ”₯

– in 4 materials (clay versions included)

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– 48 MacBook Pro 16″ mockups

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Nov 7, 2004
"Greg Eshleman" wrote in message
Get out of the country then….

trust me, there are MILLIONS who feel the same way right now, myself included; and i’ve been a republican as long as i’ve been old enough to vote, since reagan v. mondale.

i can reach no other conclusion. americans are idiots for giving bush another term. my only consolation is that i’m largely insulated from the idiocy of america due to my financial circumstances.

as a result i can sit here and laugh while the usa goes down the toilet. and it is.

wrote in message
You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President.
He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Don’t you care what the rest of the world thinks of you? Don’t you care what impact
American foreign policy has on the rest of the planet? Does Iraq look like a success
to anyone? Doesn’t it bother you that he’s alienated every friend you have?
What were you thinking???

Prior to this, it was American policy and the American government that was so universally
hated around the world. Now it’s going to be ‘Americans’ we hate. More sympathy
for Bin Laden… More attacks on American institutions… More isolation. How blind
can you dumb rednecks in middle-America be, not to see this? –
If you get hit again, or your economy goes into a deep depression, the American
people will be getting exactly what they deserve!

<back turned>

[Ignore what follows]
Some sharp pens near the lost doorway were pouring among the proud kiosk. My heavy frog won’t improve before I dine it. Otherwise the
jug in Andy’s book might wander some durable smogs.

I was changing weavers to pretty Ibraheem, who’s moulding towards the dose’s fog. I was nibbling to solve you some of my cosmetic pitchers. Many handsome bowls measure Rasheed, and they bimonthly talk Dick too. Why will you laugh the lower stupid twigs before Muhammad does? Abdel, about spoons sticky and healthy, lives near it, attempting crudely. She can shout the blunt cup and join it among its market. Just covering beneath a fork before the autumn is too bitter for Walter to clean it. All think films are fresh and other solid poultices are upper, but will Al grasp that? Will you
behave throughout the spring, if Abu cruelly expects the button? No deep weird hat explains sauces in front of Francoise’s bizarre candle. How Afif’s sad jacket converses, Ahmad combs towards cheap, full houses. Try receiving the sunshine’s sick painter and Jbilou will sow you! They are learning in back of poor, throughout long, in front of urban plates.

Ralph, have a dry can. You won’t waste it.

He will fill fat stickers around the quiet distant monolith, whilst Steven superbly fears them too. Allen, still creeping, smells almost biweekly, as the counter jumps to their floor. What will we help after Quinton departs the new field’s frame? Never tease a walnut!

How does Wednesday irritate so badly, whenever Zack believes the dirty card very lovingly? Get your seemingly lifting porter about my mirror. We taste once, cook easily, then play below the fig without the earth.

There, butchers irrigate beneath bad offices, unless they’re old. Who doesn’t Francoise open wastefully? You won’t care me ordering in back of your shallow room. The lemon through the strange corner is the grocer that scolds lazily.

Almost no yogis strangely promise the humble hair. Let’s arrive inside the short obelisks, but don’t move the angry diets.
He may hourly pull against Patrice when the elder pools reject without the sour hall. She’d rather attack incredibly than excuse with Ed’s cold carrot. It’s very rural today, I’ll dye smartly or Moammar will seek the powders. Other inner outer gardners will kill totally to printers. Her bandage was raw, thin, and hates above the camp.

How did Charlie climb towards all the trees? We can’t call buckets unless
Haji will gently answer afterwards. I am quickly easy, so I recommend you.

All rude barber or arena, and she’ll virtually like everybody. These days, Frank never walks until Hassan burns the empty desk wrongly. Osama! You’ll judge cobblers. These days, I’ll dream the elbow. As partly as Mustafa loves, you can recollect the draper much more
usably. All difficult stale lentils admiringly kick as the strong puddles look. It can taste clean eggs, do you climb them?
It opened, you teased, yet Stephanie never quietly moved over the hallway. Both living now, Joseph and Murad seeked the rich nights in front of ugly exit. We attempt the dull boat.

Nov 7, 2004
wrote in message
You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President. He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Read below. We’re not ALL morons, we were just duped again:

Peadge πŸ™‚
Published on Saturday, November 6, 2004

Evidence Mounts That The Vote Was Hacked
by Thom Hartmann

When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 16th District said he was waiting for the FBI to show up. Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida election was hacked, but of who hacked it and how. And not just this year, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat.

"It was practice for a national effort," Fisher told me.

And evidence is accumulating that the national effort happened on November 2, 2004.

The State of Florida, for example, publishes a county-by-county record of votes cast and people registered to vote by party affiliation. Net denizen Kathy Dopp compiled the official state information into a table, available at, and noticed something startling.

While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios matched the Kerry/Bush vote, and so did the optically-scanned paper ballots in the larger counties, in Florida’s smaller counties the results from the optically scanned paper ballots – fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking – seem to have been reversed.

In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans,
the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry.

In Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush.

The pattern repeats over and over again – but only in the smaller counties where, it was probably assumed, the small voter numbers wouldn’t be much noticed. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes County, 72.7% registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.

Yet in the larger counties, where such anomalies would be more obvious to the news media, high percentages of registered Democrats equaled high percentages of votes for Kerry.

More visual analysis of the results can be seen at , and .

And, although elections officials didn’t notice these anomalies, in aggregate they were enough to swing Florida from Kerry to Bush. If you simply go through the analysis of these counties and reverse the "anomalous" numbers in those counties that appear to have been hacked, suddenly the Florida election results resemble the Florida exit poll results: Kerry won, and won big.

Those exit poll results have been a problem for reporters ever since Election Day.

Election night, I’d been doing live election coverage for WDEV, one of the radio stations that carries my syndicated show, and, just after midnight, during the 12:20 a.m. Associated Press Radio News feed, I was startled to hear the reporter detail how Karen Hughes had earlier sat George W. Bush down to inform him that he’d lost the election. The exit polls were clear: Kerry was winning in a landslide. "Bush took the news stoically," noted the AP report.

But then the computers reported something different. In several pivotal states.

Conservatives see a conspiracy here: They think the exit polls were rigged.

Dick Morris, the infamous political consultant to the first Clinton campaign who became a Republican consultant and Fox News regular, wrote an article for The Hill, the publication read by every political junkie in Washington, DC, in which he made a couple of brilliant points.

"Exit Polls are almost never wrong," Morris wrote. "They eliminate the two major potential fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different parts of the state."

He added: "So, according to ABC-TVs exit polls, for example, Kerry was slated to carry Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa, all of which Bush carried. The only swing state the network had going to Bush was West Virginia, which the president won by 10 points."

Yet a few hours after the exit polls were showing a clear Kerry sweep, as the computerized vote numbers began to come in from the various states the election was called for Bush.

How could this happen?

On the CNBC TV show "Topic A With Tina Brown," several months ago, Howard Dean had filled in for Tina Brown as guest host. His guest was Bev Harris, the Seattle grandmother who started from her living room. Bev pointed out that regardless of how votes were tabulated (other than hand counts, only done in odd places like small towns in Vermont), the real "counting" is done by computers. Be they Diebold Opti-Scan machines, which read paper ballots filled in by pencil or ink in the voter’s hand, or the scanners that read punch cards, or the machines that simply record a touch of the screen, in all cases the final tally is sent to a "central tabulator" machine.

That central tabulator computer is a Windows-based PC.

"In a voting system," Harris explained to Dean on national television, "you have all the different voting machines at all the different polling places, sometimes, as in a county like mine, there’s a thousand polling places in a single county. All those machines feed into the one machine so it can add up all the votes. So, of course, if you were going to do something you shouldn’t to a voting machine, would it be more convenient to do it to each of the 4000 machines, or just come in here and deal with all of them at once?"

Dean nodded in rhetorical agreement, and Harris continued. "What surprises people is that the central tabulator is just a PC, like what you and I use. It’s just a regular computer."

"So," Dean said, "anybody who can hack into a PC can hack into a central tabulator?"

Harris nodded affirmation, and pointed out how Diebold uses a program called GEMS, which fills the screen of the PC and effectively turns it into the central tabulator system. "This is the official program that the County Supervisor sees," she said, pointing to a PC that was sitting between them loaded with Diebold’s software.

Bev then had Dean open the GEMS program to see the results of a test election. They went to the screen titled "Election Summary Report" and waited a moment while the PC "adds up all the votes from all the various precincts," and then saw that in this faux election Howard Dean had 1000 votes, Lex Luthor had 500, and Tiger Woods had none. Dean was winning.

"Of course, you can’t tamper with this software," Harris noted. Diebold wrote a pretty good program.

But, it’s running on a Windows PC.

So Harris had Dean close the Diebold GEMS software, go back to the normal Windows PC desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon, choose "Local Disk C:," open the folder titled GEMS, and open the sub-folder "LocalDB" which, Harris noted, "stands for local database, that’s where they keep the votes." Harris then had Dean double-click on a file in that folder titled "Central Tabulator Votes," which caused the PC to open the vote count in a database program like Excel.

In the "Sum of the Candidates" row of numbers, she found that in one precinct Dean had received 800 votes and Lex Luthor had gotten 400.

"Let’s just flip those," Harris said, as Dean cut and pasted the numbers from one cell into the other. "And," she added magnanimously, "let’s give 100 votes to Tiger."

They closed the database, went back into the official GEMS software "the legitimate way, you’re the county supervisor and you’re checking on the progress of your election."

As the screen displayed the official voter tabulation, Harris said, "And you can see now that Howard Dean has only 500 votes, Lex Luthor has 900, and Tiger Woods has 100." Dean, the winner, was now the loser.

Harris sat up a bit straighter, smiled, and said, "We just edited an election, and it took us 90 seconds."

On live national television. (You can see the clip on

Which brings us back to Morris and those pesky exit polls that had Karen Hughes telling George W. Bush that he’d lost the election in a landslide.

Morris’s conspiracy theory is that the exit polls "were sabotage" to cause people in the western states to not bother voting for Bush, since the networks would call the election based on the exit polls for Kerry. But the networks didn’t do that, and had never intended to. It makes far more sense that the exit polls were right – they weren’t done on Diebold PCs – and that the vote itself was hacked.

And not only for the presidential candidate – Jeff Fisher thinks this hit him and pretty much every other Democratic candidate for national office in the most-hacked swing states.

So far, the only national "mainstream" media to come close to this story was Keith Olbermann on his show Friday night, November 5th, when he noted that it was curious that all the voting machine irregularities so far uncovered seem to favor Bush. In the meantime, the Washington Post and other media are now going through single-bullet-theory-like contortions to explain how the exit polls had failed.

But I agree with Fox’s Dick Morris on this one, at least in large part. Wrapping up his story for The Hill, Morris wrote in his final paragraph, "This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across the board as they were on election night. I suspect foul play."

Thom Hartmann (thom at is a Project Censored Award-winning best-selling author and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show. His most recent books are "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight," "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights," "We The People: A Call To Take Back America," and "What Would Jefferson Do?: A Return To Democracy."


Nov 7, 2004
Peadge wrote:

wrote in message

You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President. He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Read below. We’re not ALL morons, we were just duped again:
Peadge πŸ™‚

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Comics art for sale:
Nov 7, 2004
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.
Nov 7, 2004
"edjh" wrote in message
Peadge wrote:

wrote in message

You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President. He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Read below. We’re not ALL morons, we were just duped again:
Peadge πŸ™‚

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining

from ed hannigan’s bio:
"Do not approach this subject under any circumstances as he may be dangerous. He now resides in the State of New Hampshire ( State motto: Live Free or Die!) which is a known enclave of reactionaries and people hostile to the ideals of Socialism."

too bad new hampshire landed in the kerry column, huh? must be tough to be surrounded by all those commies.

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Comics art for sale:
Nov 7, 2004
Too bad you’re too stupid to recognize satire when you see it. I wonder if the rest of the nice Kerry voters feel comfortable allied with a supporter of terrorist killers.

Get over it "ex-Republican" (like that’s believable).

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Comics art for sale:
Nov 7, 2004
"edjh" wrote in message
Too bad you’re too stupid to recognize satire when you see it. I wonder if the rest of the nice Kerry voters feel comfortable allied with a supporter of terrorist killers.

Get over it "ex-Republican" (like that’s believable).

that’s Ex-Republican to the likes of you, and comics aren’t art.

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Comics art for sale:
John Doe
Nov 7, 2004
Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And, this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.

Nov 7, 2004
Warlock wrote:

"edjh" wrote in message

Too bad you’re too stupid to recognize satire when you see it. I wonder if the rest of the nice Kerry voters feel comfortable allied with a supporter of terrorist killers.

Get over it "ex-Republican" (like that’s believable).

that’s Ex-Republican to the likes of you, and comics aren’t art.

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Comics art for sale:

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Comics art for sale:
Nov 7, 2004
Take a couple aspirin and go to bed.

Peadge πŸ™‚

"edjh" wrote in message
Peadge wrote:

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining
Nov 7, 2004
"John Doe" wrote in message
Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And, this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.

i understand the sentiment, but i think you’ll care as the reality of the situation in iraq hits home. the "alliance," or what passes for an alliance in the eyes of the bush administration, is shrinking. i believe hungary is history in january. i don’t know how much you watch the news, but things are not looking pretty over there in the least.
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:52:14 GMT, edjh wrote:

Peadge wrote:

wrote in message

You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President. He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Read below. We’re not ALL morons, we were just duped again:
Peadge πŸ™‚

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining

Now, It was perfectly OK for the ultra liberal left to vote Against Bush even if they had a pathetic excuse of a liar and cheat for their candidate. Is it so difficult to think that the Right might have voted against the Michael Moore, Dan Rather party for the same reasonws?
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 13:50:40 GMT,

You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President. HeΒ’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

DonΒ’t you care what the rest of the world thinks of you? DonΒ’t you care what impact American foreign policy has on the rest of the planet? Does Iraq look like a success to anyone? DoesnΒ’t it bother you that heΒ’s alienated every friend you have? What were you thinking???

No. Personally I do NOT care what the rest of the world thinks. They can go back to eating their insects and sand if they don;t like the aid and assistance our country tried to provide.

Far as I am concerned what Continental Europe has evolved into was not worth saving from the sadistic hands around it’s throat in 1940. I think we should have left you people to your own juices. Unfortunatly Hitler and Tojo would not have been content and would have brought their aggression to our shores. I’d MUCH rather defeat them on Other shores than my own!

Prior to this, it was American policy and the American government that was so universally hated around the world. Now it’s going to be ‘Americans’ we hate. More sympathy for Bin Laden… More attacks on American institutions… More isolation. How blind can you dumb rednecks in middle-America be, not to see this? –

Bin Laden is a dead man walking. It’s just a matter of time till a air burrst munitions cooks the flesh from his bones and sends him to the 27 virgins. Hopefully that fat fuck Arafat will be ther to greet him in the pits of hell.

If Europe and the Arab world does not like America… then let them send back all the money and aid we have sent them over trhe years! They weren’t too damned fast to turn that away were they?

If you get hit again, or your economy goes into a deep depression, the American people will be getting exactly what they deserve!

Pal, you need to do some serious reading into International Economics. If the American Economy tanks…. the rest of the world will not be far behind! Just look back at the great depression!

Better watch out what you ask for cause you just might get a hell of a lot more than you asked for!

<Snipping irrelevant bullshit>

The last thing I have to say is if you are not American then it reallyy isn’t a bit of your business who we elect now is it?
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 14:58:20 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"Greg Eshleman" wrote in message
Get out of the country then….

trust me, there are MILLIONS who feel the same way right now, myself included; and i’ve been a republican as long as i’ve been old enough to vote, since reagan v. mondale.

i can reach no other conclusion. americans are idiots for giving bush another term. my only consolation is that i’m largely insulated from the idiocy of america due to my financial circumstances.

as a result i can sit here and laugh while the usa goes down the toilet. and it is.

Then you are not much of an American. Why don;t you go join Johnne Depp and the rest of the Eurotrash. We don;t really need you around here anyway.
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 12:30:41 -0800, "Peadge"

wrote in message
You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your President. He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Read below. We’re not ALL morons, we were just duped again:
Peadge πŸ™‚
Published on Saturday, November 6, 2004

Evidence Mounts That The Vote Was Hacked
by Thom Hartmann

When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 16th District said he was waiting for the FBI to show up. Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida election was hacked, but of who hacked it and how. And not just this year, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat.

YOu had me till that Janet Reno bullshit. The Alleion Gonzales supporters would have torpedoed Janet Reno’s attempts and you know it. They would burn that witch at the stake if they had the chance!

"It was practice for a national effort," Fisher told me.
And evidence is accumulating that the national effort happened on November 2, 2004.

The State of Florida, for example, publishes a county-by-county record of votes cast and people registered to vote by party affiliation. Net denizen Kathy Dopp compiled the official state information into a table, available at, and noticed something startling.

While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios matched the Kerry/Bush vote, and so did the optically-scanned paper ballots in the larger counties, in Florida’s smaller counties the results from the optically scanned paper ballots – fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking – seem to have been reversed.

In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans,
the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry.

In Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush.

The pattern repeats over and over again – but only in the smaller counties where, it was probably assumed, the small voter numbers wouldn’t be much noticed. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes County, 72.7% registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.

Yet in the larger counties, where such anomalies would be more obvious to the news media, high percentages of registered Democrats equaled high percentages of votes for Kerry.

More visual analysis of the results can be seen at , and .

And, although elections officials didn’t notice these anomalies, in aggregate they were enough to swing Florida from Kerry to Bush. If you simply go through the analysis of these counties and reverse the "anomalous" numbers in those counties that appear to have been hacked, suddenly the Florida election results resemble the Florida exit poll results: Kerry won, and won big.

Those exit poll results have been a problem for reporters ever since Election Day.

Election night, I’d been doing live election coverage for WDEV, one of the radio stations that carries my syndicated show, and, just after midnight, during the 12:20 a.m. Associated Press Radio News feed, I was startled to hear the reporter detail how Karen Hughes had earlier sat George W. Bush down to inform him that he’d lost the election. The exit polls were clear: Kerry was winning in a landslide. "Bush took the news stoically," noted the AP report.
But then the computers reported something different. In several pivotal states.

Conservatives see a conspiracy here: They think the exit polls were rigged.

Dick Morris, the infamous political consultant to the first Clinton campaign who became a Republican consultant and Fox News regular, wrote an article for The Hill, the publication read by every political junkie in Washington, DC, in which he made a couple of brilliant points.

"Exit Polls are almost never wrong," Morris wrote. "They eliminate the two major potential fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different parts of the state."
He added: "So, according to ABC-TVs exit polls, for example, Kerry was slated to carry Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa, all of which Bush carried. The only swing state the network had going to Bush was West Virginia, which the president won by 10 points."

Yet a few hours after the exit polls were showing a clear Kerry sweep, as the computerized vote numbers began to come in from the various states the election was called for Bush.

How could this happen?

On the CNBC TV show "Topic A With Tina Brown," several months ago, Howard Dean had filled in for Tina Brown as guest host. His guest was Bev Harris, the Seattle grandmother who started from her living room. Bev pointed out that regardless of how votes were tabulated (other than hand counts, only done in odd places like small towns in Vermont), the real "counting" is done by computers. Be they Diebold Opti-Scan machines, which read paper ballots filled in by pencil or ink in the voter’s hand, or the scanners that read punch cards, or the machines that simply record a touch of the screen, in all cases the final tally is sent to a "central tabulator" machine.

That central tabulator computer is a Windows-based PC.

"In a voting system," Harris explained to Dean on national television, "you have all the different voting machines at all the different polling places, sometimes, as in a county like mine, there’s a thousand polling places in a single county. All those machines feed into the one machine so it can add up all the votes. So, of course, if you were going to do something you shouldn’t to a voting machine, would it be more convenient to do it to each of the 4000 machines, or just come in here and deal with all of them at once?"
Dean nodded in rhetorical agreement, and Harris continued. "What surprises people is that the central tabulator is just a PC, like what you and I use. It’s just a regular computer."
"So," Dean said, "anybody who can hack into a PC can hack into a central tabulator?"

Harris nodded affirmation, and pointed out how Diebold uses a program called GEMS, which fills the screen of the PC and effectively turns it into the central tabulator system. "This is the official program that the County Supervisor sees," she said, pointing to a PC that was sitting between them loaded with Diebold’s software.

Bev then had Dean open the GEMS program to see the results of a test election. They went to the screen titled "Election Summary Report" and waited a moment while the PC "adds up all the votes from all the various precincts," and then saw that in this faux election Howard Dean had 1000 votes, Lex Luthor had 500, and Tiger Woods had none. Dean was winning.

"Of course, you can’t tamper with this software," Harris noted. Diebold wrote a pretty good program.

But, it’s running on a Windows PC.

So Harris had Dean close the Diebold GEMS software, go back to the normal Windows PC desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon, choose "Local Disk C:," open the folder titled GEMS, and open the sub-folder "LocalDB" which, Harris noted, "stands for local database, that’s where they keep the votes." Harris then had Dean double-click on a file in that folder titled "Central Tabulator Votes," which caused the PC to open the vote count in a database program like Excel.

In the "Sum of the Candidates" row of numbers, she found that in one precinct Dean had received 800 votes and Lex Luthor had gotten 400.

"Let’s just flip those," Harris said, as Dean cut and pasted the numbers from one cell into the other. "And," she added magnanimously, "let’s give 100 votes to Tiger."

They closed the database, went back into the official GEMS software "the legitimate way, you’re the county supervisor and you’re checking on the progress of your election."

As the screen displayed the official voter tabulation, Harris said, "And you can see now that Howard Dean has only 500 votes, Lex Luthor has 900, and Tiger Woods has 100." Dean, the winner, was now the loser.

Harris sat up a bit straighter, smiled, and said, "We just edited an election, and it took us 90 seconds."

On live national television. (You can see the clip on
Which brings us back to Morris and those pesky exit polls that had Karen Hughes telling George W. Bush that he’d lost the election in a landslide.

Morris’s conspiracy theory is that the exit polls "were sabotage" to cause people in the western states to not bother voting for Bush, since the networks would call the election based on the exit polls for Kerry. But the networks didn’t do that, and had never intended to. It makes far more sense that the exit polls were right – they weren’t done on Diebold PCs – and that the vote itself was hacked.
And not only for the presidential candidate – Jeff Fisher thinks this hit him and pretty much every other Democratic candidate for national office in the most-hacked swing states.

So far, the only national "mainstream" media to come close to this story was Keith Olbermann on his show Friday night, November 5th, when he noted that it was curious that all the voting machine irregularities so far uncovered seem to favor Bush. In the meantime, the Washington Post and other media are now going through single-bullet-theory-like contortions to explain how the exit polls had failed.

But I agree with Fox’s Dick Morris on this one, at least in large part. Wrapping up his story for The Hill, Morris wrote in his final paragraph, "This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across the board as they were on election night. I suspect foul play."

Thom Hartmann (thom at is a Project Censored Award-winning best-selling author and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show. His most recent books are "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight," "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights," "We The People: A Call To Take Back America," and "What Would Jefferson Do?: A Return To Democracy."



Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:52:03 GMT, "John Doe"

Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And, this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.


Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 17:10:40 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"John Doe" wrote in message
Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And, this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.

i understand the sentiment, but i think you’ll care as the reality of the situation in iraq hits home. the "alliance," or what passes for an alliance in the eyes of the bush administration, is shrinking. i believe hungary is history in january. i don’t know how much you watch the news, but things are not looking pretty over there in the least.

Keep a close eye on Falluja (sp). YOu are getting ready to see a city full of merciless murdering terrorists turned into a gravel quarry.

With Kerry and the rest of the democrats running around giving aid and assistance tot he enemy Bush had very little choice but to play it timid. I tink he is getting ready to unleash the big dogs and may Allah have mercy on the bones of the bastards that try to stand up to those pissed off American soldiers!
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:08:07 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.

My only hope is that they come through you before they get to me… or that you get caught in our crossfire then.

Freedom fighters? Do you realize that these people have NEVER known the meaning of freedom? They have been a sbujucated people for over 6000 years! And the assholes that are in there trying to take over now are just as bad as the ones that were ousted.

The REAL freedom fighters are the Iraqi’s that have the guts to stand up and fight for their True freedom!

You really are clueless aren;t you?
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:11:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"edjh" wrote in message x.html

here’s a good one for ya. listen to the american squeal like a pig. -beheading-video.wmv

You sick motherfucking son of a goddamned bitch. I hope you roit in hell! I pray that the same thing happens to you and the ones you loive you pathetic bastard.

There is no pain and horror imaginable that couuld describe the hatered I have for you… who ever the hell you are and where ever you are I pray that you suffer so horriably before you die that it makes those around you phyisically sick!
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:40:13 GMT, edjh wrote: x.html

This is so sad.

This poor young man was so blinded by the ultra liberal left that he took his own life. Do you think the Michael Moore’s and Geroge Sollels’ and the john Kerry’s of the world will take a BIT of theesponsability for his death?

No. THey won;t. They will use the poor misguided youth’s death for their own gain.
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:11:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

here’s a good one for ya. listen to the american squeal like a pig. -beheading-video.wmv

You sick motherfucking son of a goddamned bitch. I hope you roit in hell! I pray that the same thing happens to you and the ones you loive you pathetic bastard.

There is no pain and horror imaginable that couuld describe the hatered I have for you… who ever the hell you are and where ever you are I pray that you suffer so horriably before you die that it makes those around you phyisically sick!

good. just the reaction i wanted from the likes of you. the 100,000 iraqi civilian deaths will not go unavenged.

pray all you like. satan rules this world.
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:08:07 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering
for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.

My only hope is that they come through you before they get to me… or that you get caught in our crossfire then.

Freedom fighters? Do you realize that these people have NEVER known the meaning of freedom? They have been a sbujucated people for over 6000 years! And the assholes that are in there trying to take over now are just as bad as the ones that were ousted.

The REAL freedom fighters are the Iraqi’s that have the guts to stand up and fight for their True freedom!

You really are clueless aren;t you?

oh blah blah blah…. welcome to vietnam 2, the sequel.

your type never learns.
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:40:13 GMT, edjh wrote: x.html

This is so sad.

This poor young man was so blinded by the ultra liberal left that he took his own life. Do you think the Michael Moore’s and Geroge Sollels’ and the john Kerry’s of the world will take a BIT of theesponsability for his death?

No. THey won;t. They will use the poor misguided youth’s death for their own gain.

is your keyboard fucked up or are you just stoned?
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 14:58:20 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Greg Eshleman" wrote in message
Get out of the country then….

trust me, there are MILLIONS who feel the same way right now, myself included; and i’ve been a republican as long as i’ve been old enough to vote, since reagan v. mondale.

i can reach no other conclusion. americans are idiots for giving bush another term. my only consolation is that i’m largely insulated from the idiocy of america due to my financial circumstances.

as a result i can sit here and laugh while the usa goes down the toilet. and it is.

Then you are not much of an American. Why don;t you go join Johnne Depp and the rest of the Eurotrash. We don;t really need you around here anyway.

…. he writes from the comfort of his trailer park.

i can’t wait for this economy to go belly-up from all the deficit spending. osama is going to bankrupt america just as he did the soviet union over afghanistan.

this is gonna be funny.
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:28:24 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 14:58:20 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Greg Eshleman" wrote in message
Get out of the country then….

trust me, there are MILLIONS who feel the same way right now, myself included; and i’ve been a republican as long as i’ve been old enough to vote, since reagan v. mondale.

i can reach no other conclusion. americans are idiots for giving bush another term. my only consolation is that i’m largely insulated from the idiocy of america due to my financial circumstances.

as a result i can sit here and laugh while the usa goes down the toilet. and it is.

Then you are not much of an American. Why don;t you go join Johnne Depp and the rest of the Eurotrash. We don;t really need you around here anyway.

… he writes from the comfort of his trailer park.

i can’t wait for this economy to go belly-up from all the deficit spending. osama is going to bankrupt america just as he did the soviet union over afghanistan.

this is gonna be funny.

You clueless Idiot.

It was not that sand flea Osamma that bankrupted The Sovier Union. Gorbie himself has said in countless articles and interviews that it was the American Economic Might that outpaced their econimic/military complex!

The Afghani’s were taking alkl the aid and assistance they could get from America! It was the American’s that put the Taliban in power you ignorant fool. Don’t you even listen to the rehtoric from your own party? They been berateing the Republicans for months for even letting the Taliban get into power!

God you aren’t even worth the breath it takes to type this response in. Go do your homework before you come in here trying to debate with the big boys!
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:22:47 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:11:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

here’s a good one for ya. listen to the american squeal like a pig. -beheading-video.wmv

You sick motherfucking son of a goddamned bitch. I hope you roit in hell! I pray that the same thing happens to you and the ones you loive you pathetic bastard.

There is no pain and horror imaginable that couuld describe the hatered I have for you… who ever the hell you are and where ever you are I pray that you suffer so horriably before you die that it makes those around you phyisically sick!

good. just the reaction i wanted from the likes of you. the 100,000 iraqi civilian deaths will not go unavenged.

pray all you like. satan rules this world.

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:25:59 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:40:13 GMT, edjh wrote: x.html

This is so sad.

This poor young man was so blinded by the ultra liberal left that he took his own life. Do you think the Michael Moore’s and Geroge Sollels’ and the john Kerry’s of the world will take a BIT of theesponsability for his death?

No. THey won;t. They will use the poor misguided youth’s death for their own gain.

is your keyboard fucked up or are you just stoned?

No I didn’t take the time to proofread. I seldom do. I should but I guess that makes my points totally invalid to you then huh? You can’t counter the truth so you try to distract from the point by making personal attacks. So typically liberal that it reeks!

Why don’t you answer the point….. or can’t you? I guess the story is too recent for you to be able to spout the liberal play book on it isn’t it. OK… I’ll wait. I can debate your party leadership through you as soon as you can transpose their comments here.

Mindless fool!
Nov 8, 2004
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:24:58 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:08:07 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering
for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.

My only hope is that they come through you before they get to me… or that you get caught in our crossfire then.

Freedom fighters? Do you realize that these people have NEVER known the meaning of freedom? They have been a sbujucated people for over 6000 years! And the assholes that are in there trying to take over now are just as bad as the ones that were ousted.

The REAL freedom fighters are the Iraqi’s that have the guts to stand up and fight for their True freedom!

You really are clueless aren;t you?

oh blah blah blah…. welcome to vietnam 2, the sequel.
your type never learns.

I seriously boubt you know the first thing avout Vietnam sonny. I seriously doubt the best part of you was a wet spot on the sheets when the vietnam war was going on.

I served with those that died there. I thank my lucky start daily that I was never called upon to go over there. But I was in the Army at that time and you cannot even begin to understand what was going on.

YOu need to go back to the 10th grade and find a TRUTHFUL history book to study. Whenb you do your homework come back and talk. If you have any questions please, do ask, I will be glad to tell you the TRUTH about what went on back then.
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:25:59 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:40:13 GMT, edjh wrote: x.html

This is so sad.

This poor young man was so blinded by the ultra liberal left that he took his own life. Do you think the Michael Moore’s and Geroge Sollels’ and the john Kerry’s of the world will take a BIT of theesponsability for his death?

No. THey won;t. They will use the poor misguided youth’s death for their own gain.

is your keyboard fucked up or are you just stoned?

No I didn’t take the time to proofread. I seldom do. I should but I guess that makes my points totally invalid to you then huh? You can’t counter the truth so you try to distract from the point by making personal attacks. So typically liberal that it reeks!

Why don’t you answer the point….. or can’t you? I guess the story is too recent for you to be able to spout the liberal play book on it isn’t it. OK… I’ll wait. I can debate your party leadership through you as soon as you can transpose their comments here.

Mindless fool!

you’re the mindless fool who can’t think outside of the box provided to you by the moronic american public schools and mass media. here’s news for ya: i’m not a liberal. i’m not even a democrat. i don’t give a shit about the kid who offed himself. he deserved his fate. life is for the living. hail satan!
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:28:24 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 14:58:20 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Greg Eshleman" wrote in message
Get out of the country then….

trust me, there are MILLIONS who feel the same way right now, myself included; and i’ve been a republican as long as i’ve been old enough to vote, since reagan v. mondale.

i can reach no other conclusion. americans are idiots for giving bush another term. my only consolation is that i’m largely insulated from the
idiocy of america due to my financial circumstances.

as a result i can sit here and laugh while the usa goes down the toilet. and it is.

Then you are not much of an American. Why don;t you go join Johnne Depp and the rest of the Eurotrash. We don;t really need you around here anyway.

… he writes from the comfort of his trailer park.

i can’t wait for this economy to go belly-up from all the deficit spending.
osama is going to bankrupt america just as he did the soviet union over afghanistan.

this is gonna be funny.

You clueless Idiot.

It was not that sand flea Osamma that bankrupted The Sovier Union. Gorbie himself has said in countless articles and interviews that it was the American Economic Might that outpaced their econimic/military complex!

The Afghani’s were taking alkl the aid and assistance they could get from America! It was the American’s that put the Taliban in power you ignorant fool. Don’t you even listen to the rehtoric from your own party? They been berateing the Republicans for months for even letting the Taliban get into power!

God you aren’t even worth the breath it takes to type this response in. Go do your homework before you come in here trying to debate with the big boys!

right back at ya, nimrod. afghanistan bankrupted the soviet union and america likes to take the credit for it, just like they enjoy taking the credit for "victory" in ww2. americans are shitheads. historical illiterates. and they’re about to get what they’ve been deserving for a very long time.

like i keep saying, it’s gonna be funny.
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:24:58 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:08:07 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering
for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.

My only hope is that they come through you before they get to me… or that you get caught in our crossfire then.

Freedom fighters? Do you realize that these people have NEVER known the meaning of freedom? They have been a sbujucated people for over 6000 years! And the assholes that are in there trying to take over now are just as bad as the ones that were ousted.

The REAL freedom fighters are the Iraqi’s that have the guts to stand up and fight for their True freedom!

You really are clueless aren;t you?

oh blah blah blah…. welcome to vietnam 2, the sequel.
your type never learns.

I seriously boubt you know the first thing avout Vietnam sonny. I seriously doubt the best part of you was a wet spot on the sheets when the vietnam war was going on.

I served with those that died there. I thank my lucky start daily that I was never called upon to go over there. But I was in the Army at that time and you cannot even begin to understand what was going on.
YOu need to go back to the 10th grade and find a TRUTHFUL history book to study. Whenb you do your homework come back and talk. If you have any questions please, do ask, I will be glad to tell you the TRUTH about what went on back then.

you served with those who died? you were never called? why? trainee discharge? bolo? psych probs? what was your problem?
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:22:47 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:11:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

here’s a good one for ya. listen to the american squeal like a pig. -beheading-video.wmv

You sick motherfucking son of a goddamned bitch. I hope you roit in hell! I pray that the same thing happens to you and the ones you loive you pathetic bastard.

There is no pain and horror imaginable that couuld describe the hatered I have for you… who ever the hell you are and where ever you are I pray that you suffer so horriably before you die that it makes those around you phyisically sick!

good. just the reaction i wanted from the likes of you. the 100,000 iraqi
civilian deaths will not go unavenged.

pray all you like. satan rules this world.

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy to id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.
Nov 8, 2004

I seriously boubt you know the first thing avout Vietnam sonny. I seriously doubt the best part of you was a wet spot on the sheets when the vietnam war was going on.

I served with those that died there. I thank my lucky start daily that I was never called upon to go over there. But I was in the Army at that time and you cannot even begin to understand what was going on.
YOu need to go back to the 10th grade and find a TRUTHFUL history book to study. Whenb you do your homework come back and talk. If you have any questions please, do ask, I will be glad to tell you the TRUTH about what went on back then.

you served with those who died? you were never called? why? trainee discharge? bolo? psych probs? what was your problem?

Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!
Nov 8, 2004

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy to id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.
Just Me
Nov 8, 2004
What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:24:58 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:08:07 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering
for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.

My only hope is that they come through you before they get to me… or that you get caught in our crossfire then.

Freedom fighters? Do you realize that these people have NEVER known the meaning of freedom? They have been a sbujucated people for over 6000 years! And the assholes that are in there trying to take over now are just as bad as the ones that were ousted.

The REAL freedom fighters are the Iraqi’s that have the guts to stand up and fight for their True freedom!

You really are clueless aren;t you?

oh blah blah blah…. welcome to vietnam 2, the sequel.
your type never learns.

I seriously boubt you know the first thing avout Vietnam sonny. I seriously doubt the best part of you was a wet spot on the sheets when the vietnam war was going on.

I served with those that died there. I thank my lucky start daily that I was never called upon to go over there. But I was in the Army at that time and you cannot even begin to understand what was going on.
YOu need to go back to the 10th grade and find a TRUTHFUL history book to study. Whenb you do your homework come back and talk. If you have any questions please, do ask, I will be glad to tell you the TRUTH about what went on back then.

you served with those who died? you were never called? why? trainee discharge? bolo? psych probs? what was your problem?

Nov 8, 2004
"Just Me" wrote in message
What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

hey, top posting moron! the only thing skinner ever served was a hot fudge sundae and from all reports it tasted like crap!

"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:24:58 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 16:08:07 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"edjh" wrote in message x.html

i’ll just laugh as your friends and relatives get slaughtered. i’m cheering
for the iraqi freedom fighters.

have a look at

it’s nice to watch punks like you lose their head.

My only hope is that they come through you before they get to me… or
that you get caught in our crossfire then.

Freedom fighters? Do you realize that these people have NEVER known the meaning of freedom? They have been a sbujucated people for over 6000 years! And the assholes that are in there trying to take over now
are just as bad as the ones that were ousted.

The REAL freedom fighters are the Iraqi’s that have the guts to stand up and fight for their True freedom!

You really are clueless aren;t you?

oh blah blah blah…. welcome to vietnam 2, the sequel.
your type never learns.

I seriously boubt you know the first thing avout Vietnam sonny. I seriously doubt the best part of you was a wet spot on the sheets when the vietnam war was going on.

I served with those that died there. I thank my lucky start daily that I was never called upon to go over there. But I was in the Army at that time and you cannot even begin to understand what was going on.
YOu need to go back to the 10th grade and find a TRUTHFUL history book to study. Whenb you do your homework come back and talk. If you have any questions please, do ask, I will be glad to tell you the TRUTH about what went on back then.

you served with those who died? you were never called? why? trainee discharge? bolo? psych probs? what was your problem?

Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message

I seriously boubt you know the first thing avout Vietnam sonny. I seriously doubt the best part of you was a wet spot on the sheets when the vietnam war was going on.

I served with those that died there. I thank my lucky start daily that I was never called upon to go over there. But I was in the Army at that time and you cannot even begin to understand what was going on.
YOu need to go back to the 10th grade and find a TRUTHFUL history book to study. Whenb you do your homework come back and talk. If you have any questions please, do ask, I will be glad to tell you the TRUTH about what went on back then.

you served with those who died? you were never called? why? trainee discharge? bolo? psych probs? what was your problem?

Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.

you’d eat shit directly out of george bush’s ass if he told you to. you’re pathetic. duty and honor. pshaw….

glad to see i’ve got you in such a furor, fuckwad. i hope your kid is fighting in iraq right now. maybe he/she will get offed for king george asshole. ooops, wait a minute, you don’t have a kid because no woman has ever been willing to copulate with you. hahahahha….

loser joe american… hahahahah

If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.
And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill.

hahahahaha you’re bucking horns against a parochial school boy. my parents actually cared about me and sent me to private schools. hahahahaha

iq last tested at 129 and act composite was 26 back in 1981, making me quite a bit older and a whole lot smarter than you’ll ever dream of being.. now take your pathetic rah rah america retard ass and enjoy the thought of me fucking one of your american women in about an hour, because that’s exactly what i’ll be doing.


Do me a favor.
For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

Harry Limey
Nov 8, 2004
Have you chaps considered taking your argument to the more appropriate newsgroup

alt.pointless.puerile.debate newsgroup??

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.789 / Virus Database: 534 – Release Date: 07/11/2004
Nov 8, 2004
"Harry Limey" wrote in message
Have you chaps considered taking your argument to the more appropriate newsgroup

alt.pointless.puerile.debate newsgroup??

that’s one of my favorite groups! as long as i have to listen to american republicons go "ugh. not think like me. me no like" i’m gonna have fun with em.

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Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!
Nov 8, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
you that sits in
your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.
Nov 8, 2004
Here’s what Warlock hates;
That is what Warlock hates. Reality.

"Warlock" wrote in message
"Harry Limey" wrote in message
Have you chaps considered taking your argument to the more appropriate newsgroup

alt.pointless.puerile.debate newsgroup??

that’s one of my favorite groups! as long as i have to listen to american republicons go "ugh. not think like me. me no like" i’m gonna have fun

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.789 / Virus Database: 534 – Release Date: 07/11/2004

Nov 8, 2004
"Scruff" wrote in message
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?
Nov 8, 2004
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
you that sits in
your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.

yeah, i’m out of his league by miles. he’s just another american rube.
Nov 8, 2004
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy to
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.
Nov 8, 2004
"Scruff" wrote in message
Here’s what Warlock hates;
That is what Warlock hates. Reality.

just sit back like me for the next few years and watch the usa continue to make a horse’s ass of itself. it’s really quite enjoyable.
Nov 8, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
you that sits in
your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.

yeah, i’m out of his league by miles. he’s just another american rube.

I see you live in the US too, where will you be moving?
Nov 8, 2004
"Scruff" schreef in bericht
"Warlock" wrote in message
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
you that sits in
your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and
don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.

yeah, i’m out of his league by miles. he’s just another american rube.

I see you live in the US too, where will you be moving?
Hey, you guys keep him! We have enough crazy people here. This said, I wouldn’t have voted for Bush, not in a million years!!!

Kiri (Eurotrash!)
Nov 8, 2004
What’s so amusing about this post is that the same country you revile, the people you curse and the ideals you find so laughable are the very things that allow you to freely wax on vis a vis this highly educated and well thought out position.

In Iraq they’d have your balls fed to the dogs and your head decorating a bridge.

Thanx for the chuckle.

Carry on.

wrote in message
You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your
He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!

Don’t you care what the rest of the world thinks of you? Don’t you care
what impact
American foreign policy has on the rest of the planet? Does Iraq look
like a success
to anyone? Doesn’t it bother you that he’s alienated every friend you
What were you thinking???

Prior to this, it was American policy and the American government that was
so universally
hated around the world. Now it’s going to be ‘Americans’ we hate. More
for Bin Laden… More attacks on American institutions… More isolation.
How blind
can you dumb rednecks in middle-America be, not to see this? –
If you get hit again, or your economy goes into a deep depression, the
people will be getting exactly what they deserve!

<back turned>

[Ignore what follows]
Some sharp pens near the lost doorway were pouring among the proud kiosk. My heavy frog won’t improve before I dine it. Otherwise the jug in Andy’s book might wander some durable smogs.

I was changing weavers to pretty Ibraheem, who’s moulding towards the dose’s fog. I was nibbling to solve you some of my cosmetic pitchers. Many handsome bowls measure Rasheed, and they bimonthly talk Dick too. Why will you laugh the lower stupid twigs before Muhammad does? Abdel, about spoons sticky and healthy, lives near it, attempting crudely. She can shout the blunt cup and join it among its market. Just covering beneath a fork before the autumn is too bitter for Walter to clean it. All think films are fresh and other solid poultices are upper, but will Al grasp that? Will
behave throughout the spring, if Abu cruelly expects the button? No deep weird hat explains sauces in front of Francoise’s bizarre candle. How Afif’s sad jacket converses, Ahmad combs towards cheap, full houses. Try receiving the sunshine’s sick painter and Jbilou will sow you! They are learning in back of poor, throughout long, in front of urban plates.

Ralph, have a dry can. You won’t waste it.

He will fill fat stickers around the quiet distant monolith, whilst Steven superbly fears them too. Allen, still creeping, smells almost biweekly, as the counter jumps to their floor. What will we help after Quinton departs the new field’s frame? Never tease a walnut!

How does Wednesday irritate so badly, whenever Zack believes the dirty card very lovingly? Get your seemingly lifting porter about my mirror. We taste once, cook easily, then play below the fig without the earth.

There, butchers irrigate beneath bad offices, unless they’re old. Who doesn’t Francoise open wastefully? You won’t care me ordering in back of your shallow room. The lemon through the strange corner is the grocer that scolds lazily.

Almost no yogis strangely promise the humble hair. Let’s arrive inside the short obelisks, but don’t move the angry diets.
He may hourly pull against Patrice when the elder pools reject without the sour hall. She’d rather attack incredibly than excuse with Ed’s cold carrot. It’s very rural today, I’ll dye smartly or Moammar will seek the powders. Other inner outer gardners will kill totally to printers. Her bandage was raw, thin, and hates above the camp.

How did Charlie climb towards all the trees? We can’t call buckets unless Haji will gently answer afterwards. I am quickly easy, so I recommend you.

All rude barber or arena, and she’ll virtually like everybody. These days, Frank never walks until Hassan burns the empty desk wrongly. Osama! You’ll judge cobblers. These days, I’ll dream the elbow. As partly as Mustafa loves, you can recollect the draper much more usably. All difficult stale lentils admiringly kick as the strong puddles look. It can taste clean eggs, do you climb them?
It opened, you teased, yet Stephanie never quietly moved over the hallway. Both living now, Joseph and Murad seeked the rich nights in front of ugly exit. We attempt the dull boat.

John Doe
Nov 8, 2004
The reality has already hit which is why I didn’t vote for the man. I don’t like him and I think he has all the smarts of an empty snail shell. However, that doesn’t mean I am going to tolerate people in other countries talking bad about our leader. Only we can do this.

I think the people that voted for him will come to regret it over the next four years. However, unless he does something that we can get him impeached for we are stuck with him. The good news is we will never have to worry about him again after that. Assuming the country survives him.

Nov 8, 2004
I don’t usually reply to stuff like this but all you America haters out there just remember that the large population centers of the country voted for Kerry not Bush. Get yourself a map of the states that went for Bush and express your hatred on them not us. Only 51% of Americans are stupid. While that is a majority, it’s a slim majority and not the mandate that the Shrub insists it is.
Nov 8, 2004
Americans aren’t stupid, but like everyone else, we’re not perfect either. There’s nothing wrong with us that can’t be cured by open minded investigation. Given accurate information, we make sensible choices, the caveat being, where do we get accurate information?

If you have accurate information, please share, but remember that once you call someone stupid, they pretty much tune you out. Heated rhetoric from both sides is nearly all we get here, and it gets tuned out by the other side, so avoid crap that tunes out the people you’re trying to reach. The truth is in the middle somewhere, and if you only look at it from one side, you’ll miss it.

It’s not that nice guys finish last,
They have a whole different notion
where the finish line is.
Nov 8, 2004
The USA rules the world, no matter who is president.
It’s the one and only reason foreigners have reason to dislike us. Because we dominate issues, good or bad, worldwide.
What I say is….tough shit. If they don’t like it they can figure their own way to help themselves. Highly unlikely. The USA has cleaned up more messes in this world than it could ever create.
If you’re not from the USA, we’ve probably bailed your country out, too.

"CWCunningham" <> wrote in message
Americans aren’t stupid, but like everyone else, we’re not perfect either. There’s nothing wrong with us that can’t be cured by open minded
Given accurate information, we make sensible choices, the caveat being,
where do
we get accurate information?

If you have accurate information, please share, but remember that once you
someone stupid, they pretty much tune you out. Heated rhetoric from both
is nearly all we get here, and it gets tuned out by the other side, so
crap that tunes out the people you’re trying to reach. The truth is in the middle somewhere, and if you only look at it from one side, you’ll miss

It’s not that nice guys finish last,
They have a whole different notion
where the finish line is.

Nov 8, 2004
"Kiri" wrote in message
"Scruff" schreef in bericht
"Warlock" wrote in message
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
wrote in message
you that sits in
your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and
don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.

yeah, i’m out of his league by miles. he’s just another american rube.

I see you live in the US too, where will you be moving?
Hey, you guys keep him! We have enough crazy people here. This said, I wouldn’t have voted for Bush, not in a million years!!!
Kiri (Eurotrash!)
PLEASE!!!! Take him and shoot him.
Nov 8, 2004
If you’re not from the USA, we’ve probably bailed your country out, too.

Yes, thank you for that! Now stop it.
The problem is now, you bail out countries, wanted or not! And the reasons are quite different, no?
Leader of the free world? Let the free world vote then.
For the record, I have nothing against Americans, some of my best friends are American.
I have something against dangerous people, regardless of their origin. American people get blinded by their patriotism and subtil indoctrinated by some press (I saw Fox News! Horror!!! Democraty???)
Your president is dangerous to the whole world. As are a whole bunch of other fools, agreed, but he’s NOT going to help the situation. Sign the Kyoto threaty, and get the oil companies out of Alaska. We breath your air as you breath ours.
That would be a good start. Next thing would be to at least try to understand why so many people hate Americans (or the Western world, which I’m part of). Respect NATO? It was made for a reason, you know. Excuse me for the free use of your language. I hope you understand what I’m saying.

Regards and God bless.

Kiri (Belgi
Nov 8, 2004
Typical tripe from a person of a lesser country. Never wants us until they are too messed up to ask for help.
We seldom go where we are not asked.

"Kiri" wrote in message
If you’re not from the USA, we’ve probably bailed your country out, too.

Yes, thank you for that! Now stop it.
The problem is now, you bail out countries, wanted or not! And the reasons are quite different, no?
Leader of the free world? Let the free world vote then.
For the record, I have nothing against Americans, some of my best friends are American.
I have something against dangerous people, regardless of their origin. American people get blinded by their patriotism and subtil indoctrinated
some press (I saw Fox News! Horror!!! Democraty???)
Your president is dangerous to the whole world. As are a whole bunch of other fools, agreed, but he’s NOT going to help the situation. Sign the Kyoto threaty, and get the oil companies out of Alaska. We breath your air as you breath ours.
That would be a good start. Next thing would be to at least try to understand why so many people hate Americans (or the Western world, which I’m part of). Respect NATO? It was made for a reason, you know. Excuse me for the free use of your language. I hope you understand what

Regards and God bless.

Kiri (Belgi
Nov 9, 2004

you’d eat shit directly out of george bush’s ass if he told you to. you’re pathetic. duty and honor. pshaw….

glad to see i’ve got you in such a furor, fuckwad. i hope your kid is fighting in iraq right now. maybe he/she will get offed for king george asshole. ooops, wait a minute, you don’t have a kid because no woman has ever been willing to copulate with you. hahahahha….

loser joe american… hahahahah

Let’s get one thing straight. I didn’t really like President Bush much either… but compared to that heel licker Kerry, Bush was a saint. At least he has the balls to stand up to a tinpot dictator and bring his ass doiwn to the point of living in a rathole!

I would have preferred a REAL MAN more along the lines of the leadership that put the dictators of WWII to rest. It takes REAL guts to take the stance that your enemies deserve no mercy and no quarter. That’s what it took to clean out the Tojo/Hitley decay and that’s what it is going to take to clear out the terrorist decay too. But nobody wants to see that. We had to be willing to destroy our enemies totally during WWII and we haven’t had the stomach for that since. And until we do get the guts for that kind of job… we are doomed to repeat 9/11 over and over and over again. And we are doomed to hearing the kind of crap you spew too Warlock….

By the way, your choice of names here shows your pathetic need to associate with something that will make you APPEAR more than what you actually are!

If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.
And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill.

hahahahaha you’re bucking horns against a parochial school boy. my parents actually cared about me and sent me to private schools. hahahahaha
iq last tested at 129 and act composite was 26 back in 1981, making me quite a bit older and a whole lot smarter than you’ll ever dream of being.. now take your pathetic rah rah america retard ass and enjoy the thought of me fucking one of your american women in about an hour, because that’s exactly what i’ll be doing.


It’s been proved time and time again sonny… And I mean that literally cause I have at VERY LEAST Two decades over you JUNIOR. IQ has nothing to do with intelligence. Suppose YOU tell us all what IQ REALLY indicated there genius boy. Come on, I am sure you saw it someplace before…. Try to muddle through that drughazed mind of yours.. or what’s left of it.. and run upstairs and look it up in your mom’s 1950 version of the Encyclopedia Britannica real quick.

And in 1981, I had already completed my tour in the military… been out for 5 years and built myself a pretty successful business.

So, Tell us here gothic boy…. What have YOU done with YOUR pathetic life sonce you dropped or were tossed out of high school? And PLEASE…. Don;t bore us with your war stories of boffing young and innocent AMERICAN women. You and I BOTH know it’s not true you hopeless virgin!

Do me a favor.
For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

You didn’t have any comment on my piercing advise? Did I hit a little too close to home there sonny Jim???? Bet you got more steel in your head than I got in my brand new Ford Explorer. Yeah, I drive a new SUV… And I am proud to live in a country where you CAN climb out of your parent’s basement (if you want to) and build something out of your life.

Even you can do it…. It’s not too late. Just go wash off that blacn and white makeup off youor face…. toss on some Clear a sil and comb out that dyed jet black mop on your head… Use a little fingernail polish and clean up your nails and you might be able to get even *ME* to hire you to wash out my bathrooms….. However, I think you will probably have to go through an extensive training program so you won’t flush yourself along with the other turds in there!
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:10:04 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"Scruff" wrote in message
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:56:49 -0600, "Just Me"

What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

Thank you. I served in both combat units and support units in a peacetime military.

I was lucky. VERY lucky. I knew many that were very disturbed by the horrors they saw. Before I went in, I knew some that went and never came back alive. They were the ones that deserve the MOST respect this Thursday. Oh… QUICK Warlock… Can YOU tell us all what this Thursday is?

Can you tell us where the day’s rememberances originated? Huh? Come on Mr 128 IQ….. Show us all how smart you are…. Tell us what Thursday is all about and where it originated sonny Jim.

Bwaaaaaaahahahaha…. You pathetic imbecile. You don;t even know do you?

And I am very close to Plonking this moron too. But at the moment, he’s proving to be a little fun….. Even though I am a bit ashamed of myself for taking such advantage of a mental midget like this.
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 07:42:06 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"Just Me" wrote in message
What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

hey, top posting moron! the only thing skinner ever served was a hot fudge sundae and from all reports it tasted like crap!

Oh Ouch. That one was just too much. PLEASE stop degrading me with your rapier wit and scintillating repartee!

Oh come on Mr 128 IQ… Is that the BEST you could do? You had 46 minutes to respond to this post and this is the BEST you could do? Pluheezzzz…. PLEASE tell me that is not all the more challenge you are going to be? And you with all that IQ just laying around… and that Massive ACT of 26???

Just goes to prove one of my favorite sayings….. Talent ain;t nothing special sonny Jim…. Thousands of people just like you waste it daily!

No please take this assignment back and re-write it and this time try to put a little imagination in it.
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 18:48:23 GMT, "John Doe"

The reality has already hit which is why I didn’t vote for the man. I don’t like him and I think he has all the smarts of an empty snail shell. However, that doesn’t mean I am going to tolerate people in other countries talking bad about our leader. Only we can do this.

I think the people that voted for him will come to regret it over the next four years. However, unless he does something that we can get him impeached for we are stuck with him. The good news is we will never have to worry about him again after that. Assuming the country survives him.

Well, I’ll applaude you for your sense of propriety. It *IS* our country and we don’t need any foreign interests trying to tell us how to run it.

You just might be right about the man in the hot seat right now. Only time will tell… But, if he does well and fights the good fight…. Makes us all a little more secure…. Will you be willing to admit that he might be a little more capiable than the ultra left media told everybody he was?
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:10:04 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Scruff" wrote in message
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.

umm… that’s loser. just one of those things that grates on my nerves like fingernails on chalkboard. loser. not looser.

and it makes ya proud to have young boys lookin up at ya, huh? doesn’t surprise in the least.

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:10:04 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Scruff" wrote in message
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 07:42:06 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Just Me" wrote in message
What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

hey, top posting moron! the only thing skinner ever served was a hot fudge
sundae and from all reports it tasted like crap!

Oh Ouch. That one was just too much. PLEASE stop degrading me with your rapier wit and scintillating repartee!

Oh come on Mr 128 IQ… Is that the BEST you could do? You had 46 minutes to respond to this post and this is the BEST you could do? Pluheezzzz…. PLEASE tell me that is not all the more challenge you are going to be? And you with all that IQ just laying around… and that Massive ACT of 26???

Just goes to prove one of my favorite sayings….. Talent ain;t nothing special sonny Jim…. Thousands of people just like you waste it daily!

No please take this assignment back and re-write it and this time try to put a little imagination in it.

you’re the one who feels the need to expend the effort. i’m just grinnin that i’ve gotten under your skin to such an extent, american moron.
Nov 9, 2004

right back at ya, nimrod. afghanistan bankrupted the soviet union and america likes to take the credit for it, just like they enjoy taking the credit for "victory" in ww2. americans are shitheads. historical illiterates. and they’re about to get what they’ve been deserving for a very long time.

like i keep saying, it’s gonna be funny.

Oh thank you for confirming what I have said all along. It really *IS* true… If you let an idiot talk long enough he will confirm his ignorance for all to see.

Seriously "Dude" YOu DO need to get up and get out of that basement. You need some fresh air to clear your thinking. And try switching hair dye too.. That RIT dye you been using to dye your hair jet black must be soaking in a little deeper than you intended. Also, Check those nose, tongue and the many many ear studs…. I think a couple of them might have rusted a causing you to totally loose all contact with reality!
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:56:49 -0600, "Just Me"

What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

Thank you. I served in both combat units and support units in a peacetime military.

I was lucky. VERY lucky. I knew many that were very disturbed by the horrors they saw. Before I went in, I knew some that went and never came back alive. They were the ones that deserve the MOST respect this Thursday. Oh… QUICK Warlock… Can YOU tell us all what this Thursday is?

Can you tell us where the day’s rememberances originated? Huh? Come on Mr 128 IQ….. Show us all how smart you are…. Tell us what Thursday is all about and where it originated sonny Jim.

umm… if i were interested i’d google the info. apparently, i’m not interested. hmm…. let’s see… november… i seem to recall something about hawaii happening in november… nah, i just don’t care. HA!

Bwaaaaaaahahahaha…. You pathetic imbecile. You don;t even know do you?

And I am very close to Plonking this moron too. But at the moment, he’s proving to be a little fun….. Even though I am a bit ashamed of myself for taking such advantage of a mental midget like this.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 18:48:23 GMT, "John Doe"

The reality has already hit which is why I didn’t vote for the man. I don’t
like him and I think he has all the smarts of an empty snail shell. However,
that doesn’t mean I am going to tolerate people in other countries talking bad about our leader. Only we can do this.

I think the people that voted for him will come to regret it over the next four years. However, unless he does something that we can get him impeached
for we are stuck with him. The good news is we will never have to worry about him again after that. Assuming the country survives him.

Well, I’ll applaude you for your sense of propriety. It *IS* our country and we don’t need any foreign interests trying to tell us how to run it.

You just might be right about the man in the hot seat right now. Only time will tell… But, if he does well and fights the good fight…. Makes us all a little more secure…. Will you be willing to admit that he might be a little more capiable than the ultra left media told everybody he was?

HAHAHA! ultra-left media! rush limbaugh on oxycontin fan! HAHA!

do your neighbors in the trailer park get annoyed when you blast that hick station on your AM radio?
Nov 9, 2004

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.

umm… that’s loser. just one of those things that grates on my nerves like fingernails on chalkboard. loser. not looser.

and it makes ya proud to have young boys lookin up at ya, huh? doesn’t surprise in the least.

However you care to define yourself is just fine with me. Loser or Looser, I guess it is up to you to decide how you want your lable printed.

I will try to spell the term right out of deference to your delicate sensabilities.

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:10:04 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Scruff" wrote in message
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:52:03 GMT, "John Doe"

Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the
world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And,
this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.



you forgot alpha charlie delta and echo. what kind of military mind are you?
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:46:34 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 07:42:06 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Just Me" wrote in message
What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

hey, top posting moron! the only thing skinner ever served was a hot fudge
sundae and from all reports it tasted like crap!

Oh Ouch. That one was just too much. PLEASE stop degrading me with your rapier wit and scintillating repartee!

Oh come on Mr 128 IQ… Is that the BEST you could do? You had 46 minutes to respond to this post and this is the BEST you could do? Pluheezzzz…. PLEASE tell me that is not all the more challenge you are going to be? And you with all that IQ just laying around… and that Massive ACT of 26???

Just goes to prove one of my favorite sayings….. Talent ain;t nothing special sonny Jim…. Thousands of people just like you waste it daily!

No please take this assignment back and re-write it and this time try to put a little imagination in it.

you’re the one who feels the need to expend the effort. i’m just grinnin that i’ve gotten under your skin to such an extent, american moron.

Believe me… Duelling words with the likes of you expends very little eneryg on my part. I think you might have a problem with over rating your abilities.

And as for getting under my skin…. well, Chiggers get under my skin…. Piss ants like you just get stepped on.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 17:10:40 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"John Doe" wrote in message
Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And, this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.

i understand the sentiment, but i think you’ll care as the reality of the situation in iraq hits home. the "alliance," or what passes for an alliance
in the eyes of the bush administration, is shrinking. i believe hungary is
history in january. i don’t know how much you watch the news, but things are not looking pretty over there in the least.

Keep a close eye on Falluja (sp). YOu are getting ready to see a city full of merciless murdering terrorists turned into a gravel quarry.

you’ll pacify fallujah about as well as you pacified samarra, that great military conquest from a few weeks ago that suddenly saw an upsurge of "terrorist" activity the last few days. HAHA! americans are incompetent. politically and militarily incompetent!

With Kerry and the rest of the democrats running around giving aid and assistance tot he enemy Bush had very little choice but to play it timid. I tink he is getting ready to unleash the big dogs and may Allah have mercy on the bones of the bastards that try to stand up to those pissed off American soldiers!

Nov 9, 2004
Kiri wrote:
"Scruff" schreef in bericht

"Warlock" wrote in message

"Scruff" wrote in message

"Warlock" wrote in message

wrote in message

you that sits in

your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and
don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.

yeah, i’m out of his league by miles. he’s just another american rube.

I see you live in the US too, where will you be moving?

Hey, you guys keep him! We have enough crazy people here. This said, I wouldn’t have voted for Bush, not in a million years!!!

Uh, 2 million years, perhaps?



Kiri (Eurotrash!)
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:48:32 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:56:49 -0600, "Just Me"

What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

Thank you. I served in both combat units and support units in a peacetime military.

I was lucky. VERY lucky. I knew many that were very disturbed by the horrors they saw. Before I went in, I knew some that went and never came back alive. They were the ones that deserve the MOST respect this Thursday. Oh… QUICK Warlock… Can YOU tell us all what this Thursday is?

Can you tell us where the day’s rememberances originated? Huh? Come on Mr 128 IQ….. Show us all how smart you are…. Tell us what Thursday is all about and where it originated sonny Jim.

umm… if i were interested i’d google the info. apparently, i’m not interested. hmm…. let’s see… november… i seem to recall something about hawaii happening in november… nah, i just don’t care. HA!

Oh My GAWD. Are you totally serious Mister INTELLIGENSIA? You can’t even tell me what Thursday is without going to Google? What kind of neo-technical dweebe are you anyway? And Hawaii happening in November??? Oh My LORD.. This is just TOO rich.

Let me tall you something Pal.. You don’t even come up to my shoelaces. The more you talk the more I get the impression you are some socially neutered adloscent pimple factory that lives in his parents house and sits around all night trying to justify his existance by belittling people he can’t even converse with.

Geezzzz man, You really are a sad case aren’t you? Listen, I am starting to feel a little sorry for you. I’ve been pretty hard on you I mean considering the fact that you are so developmentally challenged and all. If you need some one-on-one tutoring and a little mentoring, I guess I could spare a few hours a week to help you out.

But you have to be willing to do the work. I mean I am not going to invest my time unless you really REALLY want to learn!

Bwaaaaaaahahahaha…. You pathetic imbecile. You don;t even know do you?

And I am very close to Plonking this moron too. But at the moment, he’s proving to be a little fun….. Even though I am a bit ashamed of myself for taking such advantage of a mental midget like this.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message

right back at ya, nimrod. afghanistan bankrupted the soviet union and america likes to take the credit for it, just like they enjoy taking the credit for "victory" in ww2. americans are shitheads. historical illiterates. and they’re about to get what they’ve been deserving for a very long time.

like i keep saying, it’s gonna be funny.

Oh thank you for confirming what I have said all along. It really *IS* true… If you let an idiot talk long enough he will confirm his ignorance for all to see.

Seriously "Dude" YOu DO need to get up and get out of that basement. You need some fresh air to clear your thinking. And try switching hair dye too.. That RIT dye you been using to dye your hair jet black must be soaking in a little deeper than you intended. Also, Check those nose, tongue and the many many ear studs…. I think a couple of them might have rusted a causing you to totally loose all contact with reality!

well now let’s see here. you haven’t provided any proof that my assertions vis a vis afghanistan and the soviet union are incorrect, and you’ve certainly not described my physical appearance in the least. i’m a run-of-the-mill 40-yr-old guy except i keep myself in better physical condition than most of the folks in my rotting industrial area, in other words no beer gut and i still look damned good in a pair of tight-fittin black jeans and cowboy boots. oh, and i enjoy bullying people. no dye. no piercings. just good old-fashioned intimidating appearance and mannerisms. as a matter of fact i had fun with an armed bank security guard earlier today. rocked him back on his heels as i walked past him. tried to wish me a good day. i told him to get fucked. that’s me.

now go suck on another beer and realize that your country is a pile of shit.
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy to
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….

"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections, of whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."

Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:53:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:52:03 GMT, "John Doe"

Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the
world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And,
this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.



you forgot alpha charlie delta and echo. what kind of military mind are you?

Man You just keep coming upo with the witty comebacks don;t you?

Did you learn those watching all those reruns of "That 70’s Show"?
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:46:34 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 07:42:06 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Just Me" wrote in message
What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you
think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

hey, top posting moron! the only thing skinner ever served was a hot fudge
sundae and from all reports it tasted like crap!

Oh Ouch. That one was just too much. PLEASE stop degrading me with your rapier wit and scintillating repartee!

Oh come on Mr 128 IQ… Is that the BEST you could do? You had 46 minutes to respond to this post and this is the BEST you could do? Pluheezzzz…. PLEASE tell me that is not all the more challenge you are going to be? And you with all that IQ just laying around… and that Massive ACT of 26???

Just goes to prove one of my favorite sayings….. Talent ain;t nothing special sonny Jim…. Thousands of people just like you waste it daily!

No please take this assignment back and re-write it and this time try to put a little imagination in it.

you’re the one who feels the need to expend the effort. i’m just grinnin that i’ve gotten under your skin to such an extent, american moron.

Believe me… Duelling words with the likes of you expends very little eneryg on my part. I think you might have a problem with over rating your abilities.

And as for getting under my skin…. well, Chiggers get under my skin…. Piss ants like you just get stepped on.

look, i’m really sorry that usenet is your only creative and social outlet. and i’m really really sorry that you live in such a sucky $2000 trailer in a park with no rec center and the weeds up to your windows and you still think that w is just one of the guys who’s gonna whoop ass on them there muslims just like you would if your fantasy came true and you were in the white house. news flash… you’re still in the trailer sucking on a beer and staring at the weeds out your window.

btw, have you ever found a woman to copulate with you? i’ll even allow the fat toothless broad with curlers in her hair in the next trailer.
Dick Margulis
Nov 9, 2004
Will you two please get a room and leave the rest of us out of your little tΓͺte Γ  tΓͺte? Some people would actually like to discuss graphic arts issues here.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:48:32 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:56:49 -0600, "Just Me"

What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

Thank you. I served in both combat units and support units in a peacetime military.

I was lucky. VERY lucky. I knew many that were very disturbed by the horrors they saw. Before I went in, I knew some that went and never came back alive. They were the ones that deserve the MOST respect this Thursday. Oh… QUICK Warlock… Can YOU tell us all what this Thursday is?

Can you tell us where the day’s rememberances originated? Huh? Come on Mr 128 IQ….. Show us all how smart you are…. Tell us what Thursday is all about and where it originated sonny Jim.

umm… if i were interested i’d google the info. apparently, i’m not interested. hmm…. let’s see… november… i seem to recall something
about hawaii happening in november… nah, i just don’t care. HA!

Oh My GAWD. Are you totally serious Mister INTELLIGENSIA? You can’t even tell me what Thursday is without going to Google? What kind of neo-technical dweebe are you anyway? And Hawaii happening in November??? Oh My LORD.. This is just TOO rich.

hawaii happened in november? i thought THE LORD created it all in six days.

hmmm…. let me think about this some more… what happened in november that might have some significance to an inbred stooge like skinner…? hmmm… kennedy? did kennedy get wasted on thursday’s date?

Let me tall you something Pal.. You don’t even come up to my shoelaces. The more you talk the more I get the impression you are some socially neutered adloscent pimple factory that lives in his parents house and sits around all night trying to justify his existance by belittling people he can’t even converse with.
Geezzzz man, You really are a sad case aren’t you? Listen, I am starting to feel a little sorry for you. I’ve been pretty hard on you I mean considering the fact that you are so developmentally challenged and all. If you need some one-on-one tutoring and a little mentoring, I guess I could spare a few hours a week to help you out.
But you have to be willing to do the work. I mean I am not going to invest my time unless you really REALLY want to learn!

hehehe don’t come up to your shoelaces? that’s a good one. i’ll tell ya what…

i’m 40-yrs-old. i own the house in which i live completely unencumbered. i’m beginning to shop for TWO houses in another state because i’m getting ready to retire at the end of may 2005 and i will be relocating to that state. i will pay cash on the barrelhead for those houses. one of them will be a rental for extra income.

now, let’s get back to that trailer in which you live and fantasize about military conquest…

Bwaaaaaaahahahaha…. You pathetic imbecile. You don;t even know do you?

And I am very close to Plonking this moron too. But at the moment, he’s proving to be a little fun….. Even though I am a bit ashamed of myself for taking such advantage of a mental midget like this.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.

umm… that’s loser. just one of those things that grates on my nerves like fingernails on chalkboard. loser. not looser.

and it makes ya proud to have young boys lookin up at ya, huh? doesn’t surprise in the least.

However you care to define yourself is just fine with me. Loser or Looser, I guess it is up to you to decide how you want your lable printed.

I will try to spell the term right out of deference to your delicate sensabilities.

how about those young boys lookin up at ya? didn’t want to address that, huh? gettin tired? me too. you’re just another inbred trailer park trash american who lives vicariously through their "leaders" and military.

i feel sorry for you… NOT!

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:10:04 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
"Scruff" wrote in message
wrote in message
Asshole. I went where I was assigned. Had my number come up I would have gone too. Not gladly but out of a sense of honor and duty…. I know those are very foreign words to the likes of you that sits in your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes. If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and
lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.

And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s
another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill. Do me a favor. For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

One of the most classic posts I’ve read here. LMFAO!!!!!

so, do you felate old american military vets on a regular basis?

I noticed YOU don;t proof read YOUR posts too much either…. But, yours was SO much SHORTER than mine…. SUrely it wouldn’t have taken THAT much time….

And yeah, I am kinda proud to say that I think he DOES relate to an Old Veteran. YOu might try relating to something other than that black and white 8" screen Television with a wire coathanger for a while and you might learn a few important lessons you pathetic looser.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy to
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter

interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot. take that to the bank along with your disability check.

whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 9, 2004
"Uni" wrote in message
Kiri wrote:
"Scruff" schreef in bericht

"Warlock" wrote in message

"Scruff" wrote in message

"Warlock" wrote in message

wrote in message

you that sits in

your mother’s basement hitting the "Get new Headers" every 5 minutes.
Forget about it Warlock, you’re not in the same league with skinner, and
don’t let your teacher/librarian catch you playing on the puter.

yeah, i’m out of his league by miles. he’s just another american rube.

I see you live in the US too, where will you be moving?

Hey, you guys keep him! We have enough crazy people here. This said, I wouldn’t have voted for Bush, not in a million years!!!

Uh, 2 million years, perhaps?

60 million inbred american retards, most of them christians, found a way to vote for the lying imbecile. incredible. i’d be willing to wager that half of the kerry voters have no actual reason for voting for the lesser of two evils. americans are idiots. the funny thing is that i’m enjoying my travels as i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile they are. it’s even more fun in person.



Kiri (Eurotrash!)
Nov 9, 2004
"Dick Margulis" wrote in message
Will you two please get a room and leave the rest of us out of your little t
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:53:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:52:03 GMT, "John Doe"

Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the
world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And,
this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.



you forgot alpha charlie delta and echo. what kind of military mind are you?

Man You just keep coming upo with the witty comebacks don;t you?
Did you learn those watching all those reruns of "That 70’s Show"?

ummm… i own a television for two reasons:

1) to entertain my girlfriend of the moment

2) to entertain my cats when i leave the house

now get back to those fantasies about patton and eisenhower and precision guided missiles and whatever else losers like you wack off about.
Nov 9, 2004
Warlock wrote:
wrote in message

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:53:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:52:03 GMT, "John Doe"

Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest of the
world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And,
this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.



you forgot alpha charlie delta and echo. what kind of military mind are you?

Man You just keep coming upo with the witty comebacks don;t you?
Did you learn those watching all those reruns of "That 70’s Show"?

ummm… i own a television for two reasons:

1) to entertain my girlfriend of the moment

2) to entertain my cats when i leave the house

now get back to those fantasies about patton and eisenhower and precision guided missiles and whatever else losers like you wack off about.

You know, Warlock, I’m beginning to believe you actually like Skinner1. You both entertain one another.


Anyway, onward with the flame war.


Nov 9, 2004
Sure man! See you around.

"Scruff" schreef in bericht
Typical tripe from a person of a lesser country. Never wants us until they are too messed up to ask for help.
We seldom go where we are not asked.

"Kiri" wrote in message
If you’re not from the USA, we’ve probably bailed your country out, too.

Yes, thank you for that! Now stop it.
The problem is now, you bail out countries, wanted or not! And the reasons
are quite different, no?
Leader of the free world? Let the free world vote then.
For the record, I have nothing against Americans, some of my best friends are American.
I have something against dangerous people, regardless of their origin. American people get blinded by their patriotism and subtil indoctrinated
some press (I saw Fox News! Horror!!! Democraty???)
Your president is dangerous to the whole world. As are a whole bunch of other fools, agreed, but he’s NOT going to help the situation. Sign the Kyoto threaty, and get the oil companies out of Alaska. We breath
your air as you breath ours.
That would be a good start. Next thing would be to at least try to understand why so many people hate Americans (or the Western world, which I’m part of). Respect NATO? It was made for a reason, you know. Excuse me for the free use of your language. I hope you understand what

Regards and God bless.

Kiri (Belgi
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:03:48 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message

right back at ya, nimrod. afghanistan bankrupted the soviet union and america likes to take the credit for it, just like they enjoy taking the credit for "victory" in ww2. americans are shitheads. historical illiterates. and they’re about to get what they’ve been deserving for a very long time.

like i keep saying, it’s gonna be funny.

Oh thank you for confirming what I have said all along. It really *IS* true… If you let an idiot talk long enough he will confirm his ignorance for all to see.

Seriously "Dude" YOu DO need to get up and get out of that basement. You need some fresh air to clear your thinking. And try switching hair dye too.. That RIT dye you been using to dye your hair jet black must be soaking in a little deeper than you intended. Also, Check those nose, tongue and the many many ear studs…. I think a couple of them might have rusted a causing you to totally loose all contact with reality!

well now let’s see here. you haven’t provided any proof that my assertions vis a vis afghanistan and the soviet union are incorrect, and you’ve certainly not described my physical appearance in the least. i’m a run-of-the-mill 40-yr-old guy except i keep myself in better physical condition than most of the folks in my rotting industrial area, in other words no beer gut and i still look damned good in a pair of tight-fittin black jeans and cowboy boots. oh, and i enjoy bullying people. no dye. no piercings. just good old-fashioned intimidating appearance and mannerisms. as a matter of fact i had fun with an armed bank security guard earlier today. rocked him back on his heels as i walked past him. tried to wish me a good day. i told him to get fucked. that’s me.

now go suck on another beer and realize that your country is a pile of shit.

I will indulge you this one time but I want you to know that this will be your ONLY FREE history lesson sonny Jim.

Try doing a Little Google reading sometime. It might enlighten you:

And I QUOTE Again…. in the VERY FIRST paragraph…

"By admission of former Russian President Gorbachev, the fear of American technology advances and the exorbitant cost of trying to match Reagan’s defense spending both led to the downfall of the Soviet Union."

You need more……

You’ll have to read down a bit so get out your dictionaly. I am sorry I chose references with so many BIG words but I am sure with a little patience and a good dictionary you can make it through. You might even learn something.

I quote AGAIN….

"The Soviet Union faced a disproportionate burden in the arms race, having to devote a much relatively higher segment of its economy to military expenditures to reciprocate those of the West. Especially amid the Reagan administration’s talk of "star wars" missile defense, Soviet policymakers increasingly accepted Reagan administration warnings that the arms race was one that they could not win."

You need still more?

While this guy puts a liberal spin on the situation…. you might find the AGAIN QUOTED passage interesting because it makes reference to my contention… AND IT COMES FROM A LIBERAL MOUTH… _18054482

"Garthoff’s argument can be summarized as follows: Mikhail Gorbachev was a true reformer who realized the Soviet Union needed to democratize, reduce military spending, and introduce market structures in order to survive. Alas, the United States failed to appreciate Gorbachev’s motives, good intentions, and daring. Consequently, U.S. leaders continued to pressure the Soviets in international affairs, refusing especially to make concessions in arms control (read: "give up Star Wars"). As a result, Gorbachev had to placate his own right wing and was unable to carry out the needed reforms. That in turn accelerated Soviet economic decline and stoked internal unrest, the attempted coup of August 1991, and, ultimately, the breakup of the Soviet Union."

Now. I have given you a lesson in history punk. I DO my homework… I don;t just pull shit out of the air like you do…. so let’s see you rise to the task and back up your words with more than empty threats of intimidation. See if you can debate with the big boys!

But I warn you, I DO my homework pal. You are going to have to post MORE than a couple of liberal rag sheets to make me believe you. I will agree that Afganastan conflict helped the Soviet Union along the path… but it was SDIO and the Regan initiative that pushed them over the edge of the cliff and you cannot dispute that anywehre outside your little basement!
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:14:13 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:48:32 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:56:49 -0600, "Just Me"

What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

Thank you. I served in both combat units and support units in a peacetime military.

I was lucky. VERY lucky. I knew many that were very disturbed by the horrors they saw. Before I went in, I knew some that went and never came back alive. They were the ones that deserve the MOST respect this Thursday. Oh… QUICK Warlock… Can YOU tell us all what this Thursday is?

Can you tell us where the day’s rememberances originated? Huh? Come on Mr 128 IQ….. Show us all how smart you are…. Tell us what Thursday is all about and where it originated sonny Jim.

umm… if i were interested i’d google the info. apparently, i’m not interested. hmm…. let’s see… november… i seem to recall something
about hawaii happening in november… nah, i just don’t care. HA!

Oh My GAWD. Are you totally serious Mister INTELLIGENSIA? You can’t even tell me what Thursday is without going to Google? What kind of neo-technical dweebe are you anyway? And Hawaii happening in November??? Oh My LORD.. This is just TOO rich.

hawaii happened in november? i thought THE LORD created it all in six days.
hmmm…. let me think about this some more… what happened in november that might have some significance to an inbred stooge like skinner…? hmmm… kennedy? did kennedy get wasted on thursday’s date?

YOu moronic imbicile. If you are making some veiled reference to Pearl Harbor, that was December 7th.

Thursday is Veterans Day. It stemmed from the Armistace reached that ended World War I ceasing combat on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Are you really THAT Clueless that you don;t know this shit or are you just putting on a good act. Nawww, you ain’;t THAT good! I think you really ARE that stupid!

Let me tall you something Pal.. You don’t even come up to my shoelaces. The more you talk the more I get the impression you are some socially neutered adloscent pimple factory that lives in his parents house and sits around all night trying to justify his existance by belittling people he can’t even converse with.
Geezzzz man, You really are a sad case aren’t you? Listen, I am starting to feel a little sorry for you. I’ve been pretty hard on you I mean considering the fact that you are so developmentally challenged and all. If you need some one-on-one tutoring and a little mentoring, I guess I could spare a few hours a week to help you out.
But you have to be willing to do the work. I mean I am not going to invest my time unless you really REALLY want to learn!

hehehe don’t come up to your shoelaces? that’s a good one. i’ll tell ya what…

i’m 40-yrs-old. i own the house in which i live completely unencumbered. i’m beginning to shop for TWO houses in another state because i’m getting ready to retire at the end of may 2005 and i will be relocating to that state. i will pay cash on the barrelhead for those houses. one of them will be a rental for extra income.

now, let’s get back to that trailer in which you live and fantasize about military conquest…

I don’t want to hear your imaginary resume. I want you to come out and make statements you can back up with fact asswipe.

You got one more chance. Put up or shut up.

Bwaaaaaaahahahaha…. You pathetic imbecile. You don;t even know do you?

And I am very close to Plonking this moron too. But at the moment, he’s proving to be a little fun….. Even though I am a bit ashamed of myself for taking such advantage of a mental midget like this.
Nov 9, 2004
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy to
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot. take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?

whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 9, 2004
Skinner, you’re arguing with an American highschooler pissed because Kerry lost.

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:53:44 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:52:03 GMT, "John Doe"

Actually, no I don’t think we give much of a hoot about what the rest
world thinks of us. We have to do what is right for us and what best protects us. If the rest of the world doesn’t like it too f**king bad. And,
this mind you from someone that didn’t vote for Bush.



you forgot alpha charlie delta and echo. what kind of military mind are you?

Man You just keep coming upo with the witty comebacks don;t you?
Did you learn those watching all those reruns of "That 70’s Show"?
Nov 9, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
s i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile
they are. it’s even more fun in person.
Here is the biggest bullshit statement yet. I guarantee you are a total pussy in real life. If you were doing such, you’d be walking around beat to crap.
But the fact is, in real life you are an American wuss.
Nov 9, 2004
60 million inbred american retards, most of them christians, found a way to
vote for the lying imbecile. incredible. i’d be willing to wager that half of the kerry voters have no actual reason for voting for the lesser of two evils. americans are idiots. the funny thing is that i’m enjoying my travels as i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile they are. it’s even more fun in person.

All that does is prove that YOU are the imbecile.
Face it, Bush won, the rest of us lost.

Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot. take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

you haven’t proven a thing, american retard. let’s get back to the subject here. show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?
whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot. take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

you haven’t proven a thing, american retard. let’s get back to the subject here. show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.

i repeat myself here:
you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?
whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 9, 2004
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
s i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile
they are. it’s even more fun in person.
Here is the biggest bullshit statement yet. I guarantee you are a total pussy in real life. If you were doing such, you’d be walking around beat to

that’s what *you* think because you’re an american pussy, just like the soldiers in iraq. you project on to me your qualities. i enjoy calling a spade a spade and i do it quite frequently. nobody has thrown a punch at me yet. why? because they are american pussies who know what would happen next.
Nov 9, 2004
"Kiri" wrote in message
60 million inbred american retards, most of them christians, found a way to
vote for the lying imbecile. incredible. i’d be willing to wager that half of the kerry voters have no actual reason for voting for the lesser of two evils. americans are idiots. the funny thing is that i’m enjoying my travels as i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile they are. it’s even more fun in person.

All that does is prove that YOU are the imbecile.
Face it, Bush won, the rest of us lost.

oh go I love yourself kiwi or whatever the flock you are. you come over here and live among these imbeciles for any amount of time and you’ll find out. americans are shitheads by the ton. they need to be reminded of that as often as possible.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
Let’s get one thing straight.

the only thing you need to keep straight is the fact that you’re a lying american sack of shit who lives on an island and is fed bullshit every day by your "ultra-liberal media." HAHAHAHA! you’re a hoot.

how’s maintenance going at the trailer park today? weed wacker working okay?

I didn’t really like President Bush much
either… but compared to that heel licker Kerry, Bush was a saint. At least he has the balls to stand up to a tinpot dictator and bring his ass doiwn to the point of living in a rathole!

I would have preferred a REAL MAN more along the lines of the leadership that put the dictators of WWII to rest. It takes REAL guts to take the stance that your enemies deserve no mercy and no quarter. That’s what it took to clean out the Tojo/Hitley decay and that’s what it is going to take to clear out the terrorist decay too. But nobody wants to see that. We had to be willing to destroy our enemies totally during WWII and we haven’t had the stomach for that since. And until we do get the guts for that kind of job… we are doomed to repeat 9/11 over and over and over again. And we are doomed to hearing the kind of crap you spew too Warlock….

By the way, your choice of names here shows your pathetic need to associate with something that will make you APPEAR more than what you actually are!

If you got your pasty fat ass out of that ratty, thread bare chair and lived a real life amongst the surface dwellers you might get a grasp on these concepts.
And for that matter…… What have you ever done to make the world a better place except sit around and type "Satan Rules" with your black painted fingernails cause you think it’s "KewL" to be contrary. That’s another #5 word… goto and look it up. I am sure your 5th grade education gave you at least THAT skill.

hahahahaha you’re bucking horns against a parochial school boy. my parents actually cared about me and sent me to private schools. hahahahaha

iq last tested at 129 and act composite was 26 back in 1981, making me quite
a bit older and a whole lot smarter than you’ll ever dream of being.. now take your pathetic rah rah america retard ass and enjoy the thought of me fucking one of your american women in about an hour, because that’s exactly
what i’ll be doing.


It’s been proved time and time again sonny… And I mean that literally cause I have at VERY LEAST Two decades over you JUNIOR. IQ has nothing to do with intelligence. Suppose YOU tell us all what IQ REALLY indicated there genius boy. Come on, I am sure you saw it someplace before…. Try to muddle through that drughazed mind of yours.. or what’s left of it.. and run upstairs and look it up in your mom’s 1950 version of the Encyclopedia Britannica real quick.
And in 1981, I had already completed my tour in the military… been out for 5 years and built myself a pretty successful business.
So, Tell us here gothic boy…. What have YOU done with YOUR pathetic life sonce you dropped or were tossed out of high school? And PLEASE…. Don;t bore us with your war stories of boffing young and innocent AMERICAN women. You and I BOTH know it’s not true you hopeless virgin!

Do me a favor.
For your next piuercing, try a 20 gauge to the temple. It will make the world a lot better place!

You didn’t have any comment on my piercing advise? Did I hit a little too close to home there sonny Jim???? Bet you got more steel in your head than I got in my brand new Ford Explorer. Yeah, I drive a new SUV… And I am proud to live in a country where you CAN climb out of your parent’s basement (if you want to) and build something out of your life.

Even you can do it…. It’s not too late. Just go wash off that blacn and white makeup off youor face…. toss on some Clear a sil and comb out that dyed jet black mop on your head… Use a little fingernail polish and clean up your nails and you might be able to get even *ME* to hire you to wash out my bathrooms….. However, I think you will probably have to go through an extensive training program so you won’t flush yourself along with the other turds in there!

Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:14:13 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:48:32 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:56:49 -0600, "Just Me"

What a moron! Just proves you know nothing about the military. Do you
think everyone in the service is in a "combat" unit during wartime? I don’t
know what how "skinner" served, but he did serve and for you to imply "something is wrong" because he did not serve in a "combat unit" is despicable – PLONK!

Thank you. I served in both combat units and support units in a peacetime military.

I was lucky. VERY lucky. I knew many that were very disturbed by the horrors they saw. Before I went in, I knew some that went and never came back alive. They were the ones that deserve the MOST respect this Thursday. Oh… QUICK Warlock… Can YOU tell us all what this Thursday is?

Can you tell us where the day’s rememberances originated? Huh? Come on Mr 128 IQ….. Show us all how smart you are…. Tell us what Thursday is all about and where it originated sonny Jim.

umm… if i were interested i’d google the info. apparently, i’m not interested. hmm…. let’s see… november… i seem to recall something
about hawaii happening in november… nah, i just don’t care. HA!

Oh My GAWD. Are you totally serious Mister INTELLIGENSIA? You can’t even tell me what Thursday is without going to Google? What kind of neo-technical dweebe are you anyway? And Hawaii happening in November??? Oh My LORD.. This is just TOO rich.

hawaii happened in november? i thought THE LORD created it all in six days.

hmmm…. let me think about this some more… what happened in november that might have some significance to an inbred stooge like skinner…? hmmm… kennedy? did kennedy get wasted on thursday’s date?

YOu moronic imbicile. If you are making some veiled reference to Pearl Harbor, that was December 7th.

Thursday is Veterans Day. It stemmed from the Armistace reached that ended World War I ceasing combat on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Are you really THAT Clueless that you don;t know this shit or are you just putting on a good act. Nawww, you ain’;t THAT good! I think you really ARE that stupid!

Let me tall you something Pal.. You don’t even come up to my shoelaces. The more you talk the more I get the impression you are some socially neutered adloscent pimple factory that lives in his parents house and sits around all night trying to justify his existance by belittling people he can’t even converse with.
Geezzzz man, You really are a sad case aren’t you? Listen, I am starting to feel a little sorry for you. I’ve been pretty hard on you I mean considering the fact that you are so developmentally challenged and all. If you need some one-on-one tutoring and a little mentoring, I guess I could spare a few hours a week to help you out.
But you have to be willing to do the work. I mean I am not going to invest my time unless you really REALLY want to learn!

hehehe don’t come up to your shoelaces? that’s a good one. i’ll tell ya what…

i’m 40-yrs-old. i own the house in which i live completely unencumbered. i’m beginning to shop for TWO houses in another state because i’m getting ready to retire at the end of may 2005 and i will be relocating to that state. i will pay cash on the barrelhead for those houses. one of them will be a rental for extra income.

now, let’s get back to that trailer in which you live and fantasize about military conquest…

I don’t want to hear your imaginary resume. I want you to come out and make statements you can back up with fact asswipe.

You got one more chance. Put up or shut up.

what do you want? you want me to recite some banal stats from an american history textbook? typical for your type. has it ever occured to you that shit like that doesn’t mean crap to anybody except a gradeschool kid getting ready for a test? who gives a fuck? i don’t. you’re making such a big deal about it and i still don’t care enough to google the info.

i don’t give a fuck about pearl harbor, kennedy’s assassination or american veterans, although i was forced to attend a function at a VFW about a year ago in which i drank american piss beer and listened to some lethargic old coots make some speeches about the community. how’s that?

the funny thing is that you’re gonna go on and on about bullshit holidays and provide bogus url’s to back up your lying propaganda spoon fed to you by the "ULTRA-LIBERAL MEDIA"

LOLOLOLOL you crack me up! tell rush i said hi!

and, oh, btw, i won’t be thinking of you when i’m completely retired next june, living in a completely unencumbered house and not a care in the world, except for the utilities and property taxes and such. fucking liberals. they’ll tax us to death! LOL

Bwaaaaaaahahahaha…. You pathetic imbecile. You don;t even know do you?

And I am very close to Plonking this moron too. But at the moment, he’s proving to be a little fun….. Even though I am a bit ashamed of myself for taking such advantage of a mental midget like this.
Nov 9, 2004
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:03:48 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

right back at ya, nimrod. afghanistan bankrupted the soviet union and america likes to take the credit for it, just like they enjoy taking the credit for "victory" in ww2. americans are shitheads. historical illiterates. and they’re about to get what they’ve been deserving for a very long time.

like i keep saying, it’s gonna be funny.

Oh thank you for confirming what I have said all along. It really *IS* true… If you let an idiot talk long enough he will confirm his ignorance for all to see.

Seriously "Dude" YOu DO need to get up and get out of that basement. You need some fresh air to clear your thinking. And try switching hair dye too.. That RIT dye you been using to dye your hair jet black must be soaking in a little deeper than you intended. Also, Check those nose, tongue and the many many ear studs…. I think a couple of them might have rusted a causing you to totally loose all contact with reality!

well now let’s see here. you haven’t provided any proof that my assertions
vis a vis afghanistan and the soviet union are incorrect, and you’ve certainly not described my physical appearance in the least. i’m a run-of-the-mill 40-yr-old guy except i keep myself in better physical condition than most of the folks in my rotting industrial area, in other words no beer gut and i still look damned good in a pair of tight-fittin black jeans and cowboy boots. oh, and i enjoy bullying people. no dye. no
piercings. just good old-fashioned intimidating appearance and mannerisms.
as a matter of fact i had fun with an armed bank security guard earlier today. rocked him back on his heels as i walked past him. tried to wish me
a good day. i told him to get fucked. that’s me.

now go suck on another beer and realize that your country is a pile of shit.

I will indulge you this one time but I want you to know that this will be your ONLY FREE history lesson sonny Jim.

"afghanistan soviet union bankrupt"

right there. google those terms. i’m so NOT interested in debating you (hint, i’m just enjoying the flame war) that i’m not going to provide specific url’s.

if you google for those terms you will find plenty of sites that support my position as well as yours — liberal, conservative, socialist, anarchist, fascist, homosexual, lesbian… every perspective imaginable.

go ahead and have a nice day. i have some running around to do. the girlfriend is buying a house and i’m helping her with all the inspections, insurance, etc etc… she’s clueless and i’m in control of everything as usual. it’s great to be god.

Try doing a Little Google reading sometime. It might enlighten you:

And I QUOTE Again…. in the VERY FIRST paragraph…

"By admission of former Russian President Gorbachev, the fear of American technology advances and the exorbitant cost of trying to match Reagan’s defense spending both led to the downfall of the Soviet Union."

You need more……
You’ll have to read down a bit so get out your dictionaly. I am sorry I chose references with so many BIG words but I am sure with a little patience and a good dictionary you can make it through. You might even learn something.

I quote AGAIN….

"The Soviet Union faced a disproportionate burden in the arms race, having to devote a much relatively higher segment of its economy to military expenditures to reciprocate those of the West. Especially amid the Reagan administration’s talk of "star wars" missile defense, Soviet policymakers increasingly accepted Reagan administration warnings that the arms race was one that they could not win."
You need still more?

While this guy puts a liberal spin on the situation…. you might find the AGAIN QUOTED passage interesting because it makes reference to my contention… AND IT COMES FROM A LIBERAL MOUTH… _18054482
"Garthoff’s argument can be summarized as follows: Mikhail Gorbachev was a true reformer who realized the Soviet Union needed to democratize, reduce military spending, and introduce market structures in order to survive. Alas, the United States failed to appreciate Gorbachev’s motives, good intentions, and daring. Consequently, U.S. leaders continued to pressure the Soviets in international affairs, refusing especially to make concessions in arms control (read: "give up Star Wars"). As a result, Gorbachev had to placate his own right wing and was unable to carry out the needed reforms. That in turn accelerated Soviet economic decline and stoked internal unrest, the attempted coup of August 1991, and, ultimately, the breakup of the Soviet Union."

Now. I have given you a lesson in history punk. I DO my homework… I don;t just pull shit out of the air like you do…. so let’s see you rise to the task and back up your words with more than empty threats of intimidation. See if you can debate with the big boys!
But I warn you, I DO my homework pal. You are going to have to post MORE than a couple of liberal rag sheets to make me believe you. I will agree that Afganastan conflict helped the Soviet Union along the path… but it was SDIO and the Regan initiative that pushed them over the edge of the cliff and you cannot dispute that anywehre outside your little basement!

Nov 9, 2004
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:21:42 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
s i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile
they are. it’s even more fun in person.
Here is the biggest bullshit statement yet. I guarantee you are a total pussy in real life. If you were doing such, you’d be walking around beat to

that’s what *you* think because you’re an american pussy, just like the soldiers in iraq. you project on to me your qualities. i enjoy calling a spade a spade and i do it quite frequently. nobody has thrown a punch at me yet. why? because they are american pussies who know what would happen next.

my killfile’s getting a workout this week.
BJ in Texas
Nov 9, 2004
|| You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George || Bush as your President.
|| He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!
|| –

If I thought the results of our elections would bring out the likes of this idiot, I would have voted for Bush just to see the show.

BJ in Texas
Nov 9, 2004
Hey France is doing a good job in Ivory Coast, they thouhgt it would be
easier than Iraq, probably right but I will wait until they get stuck and beg
for help as usual and the US can tell them to stuff it.
Nov 9, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.
Aww, now you’re just trolling.
Nov 9, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
s i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile
they are. it’s even more fun in person.
Here is the biggest bullshit statement yet. I guarantee you are a total pussy in real life. If you were doing such, you’d be walking around beat to

that’s what *you* think because you’re an american pussy, just like the soldiers in iraq. you project on to me your qualities. i enjoy calling a spade a spade and i do it quite frequently. nobody has thrown a punch at
yet. why? because they are american pussies who know what would happen
geez, dude, you are so full of crap it’s funny. You’re Pure American Puss.
Nov 9, 2004
Warlock wrote:
"Scruff" wrote in message

"Warlock" wrote in message
s i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile
they are. it’s even more fun in person.

Here is the biggest bullshit statement yet. I guarantee you are a total pussy in real life. If you were doing such, you’d be walking around beat to

that’s what *you* think because you’re an american pussy, just like the soldiers in iraq. you project on to me your qualities. i enjoy calling a spade a spade and i do it quite frequently. nobody has thrown a punch at me yet. why? because they are american pussies who know what would happen next.

It’s more likely you’d die of fright and the cops would haul the poor little girl away.

If you find a posting or message from myself offensive,
inappropriate, or disruptive, please ignore it. If you don’t know how to ignore a posting,complain to me and I will demonstrate.
Nov 9, 2004
Warlock wrote:
"Scruff" wrote in message

"Warlock" wrote in message
s i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile
they are. it’s even more fun in person.

Here is the biggest bullshit statement yet. I guarantee you are a total pussy in real life. If you were doing such, you’d be walking around beat to

that’s what *you* think because you’re an american pussy, just like the soldiers in iraq. you project on to me your qualities. i enjoy calling a spade a spade and i do it quite frequently. nobody has thrown a punch at me yet. why? because they are american pussies who know what would happen next.

It’s more likely you’d die of fright and the cops would haul the poor little girl away.

If you find a posting or message from myself offensive,
inappropriate, or disruptive, please ignore it. If you don’t know how to ignore a posting,complain to me and I will demonstrate.
Nov 9, 2004
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Warlock" wrote in message
show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.
Aww, now you’re just trolling.

PLEASE take this circular pissing up the wall contest elsewhere.
Nov 9, 2004
"Hobbit #37" whimpered in message

PLEASE take this circular pissing up the wall contest elsewhere.

You don’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.
Nov 10, 2004
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:17:21 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot. take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

you haven’t proven a thing, american retard. let’s get back to the subject here. show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.

I’ve given you proof. The world accepts the proof. Just because a mindless asshole like you refuses to see the truth does NOT make it a lie. YOu overrate your importance and confirm your stupidity. If I were you I would go find the psychologist that gave you that IQ test, if it was ever given in the first place, and slap the hell out of him/her bacause they lied to you.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?
whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 10, 2004
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:19:13 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:

wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot. take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

you haven’t proven a thing, american retard. let’s get back to the subject here. show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.

i repeat myself here:

Again, You can say it all you want. You aren’t convincing anybody. If you are so darned smart then convince me fool. Make ME believe that Saddam was a saint and not the spawn of a filthy deamon.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?
whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.

Nov 10, 2004
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:51:47 -0500, "Scruff"

"Warlock" wrote in message
show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.
Aww, now you’re just trolling.

I agree. The more this idiot talks the more he proves he’s just another pathetic impotent troll.

Thank GOD he lives a solitary life in his mother’s basement… Otherwise he might breed and perpetuate his species!
Nov 10, 2004

what do you want? you want me to recite some banal stats from an american history textbook? typical for your type. has it ever occured to you that shit like that doesn’t mean crap to anybody except a gradeschool kid getting ready for a test? who gives a fuck? i don’t. you’re making such a big deal about it and i still don’t care enough to google the info.
i don’t give a fuck about pearl harbor, kennedy’s assassination or american veterans, although i was forced to attend a function at a VFW about a year ago in which i drank american piss beer and listened to some lethargic old coots make some speeches about the community. how’s that?
the funny thing is that you’re gonna go on and on about bullshit holidays and provide bogus url’s to back up your lying propaganda spoon fed to you by the "ULTRA-LIBERAL MEDIA"

LOLOLOLOL you crack me up! tell rush i said hi!

and, oh, btw, i won’t be thinking of you when i’m completely retired next june, living in a completely unencumbered house and not a care in the world, except for the utilities and property taxes and such. fucking liberals. they’ll tax us to death! LOL

YOu STILL have not given one iota (new word… run and get that dictionry) of Evidence or support to anything you have claimed.

YOu are a troll…. Plain and simple. Go find somebody else to spar with. I am done with you. YOu are not even any fun now. I thought iwth that massive IQ of yours I would have thought you would use it better. Like I said elsewhere about talent.

Oh and I don’t think you are fooling anybody about this fantasy house of yours or your retirement. Kinda hard to retire from being a leech on your Mama’s Social Security check.

Nov 10, 2004
wrote in message
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:17:21 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language
and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot.
take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

you haven’t proven a thing, american retard. let’s get back to the subject
here. show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people.
you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.

I’ve given you proof.

no, you haven’t.

The world accepts the proof.

the united states is not the world. last i checked "the world" kinda thinks the united states is an asshole over this iraq fiasco.

Just because a
mindless asshole like you refuses to see the truth does NOT make it a lie. YOu overrate your importance and confirm your stupidity. If I were you I would go find the psychologist that gave you that IQ test, if it was ever given in the first place, and slap the hell out of him/her bacause they lied to you.

just because you don’t know jack about squat is no reason to get all huffy, dildo. you’re wrong. period. now go back to rush oxycontin and reload, but only after you report the results of your latest psych exam. my iq was last tested in a (private) high school. no shrink involved. psychological projection is a horrible thing, bucko.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?
whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative
in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 10, 2004
wrote in message
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:19:13 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:20:57 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:12:12 -0500, "Warlock" wrote:
wrote in message

No, He wants to through pathetic puppets like you.

i’m glad you think so. you really believe he exists, huh? it’s so easy
id a bush voter.

And who do you think avenged the millions of Iraqi’s that Saddam slaughtered?

millions? show me.

i don’t see any reference to millions.

It wasn’t even a paragraph down into the article…. and I QUOTE….
"Over 250 sites have been reported, of which approximately 40 have been confirmed to date. Over one million Iraqis are believed to be missing in Iraq as a result of executions, wars and defections,

defections = slaughter. state sanctioned war = slaughter
interesting definitions there, but of course you need to warp the language
and truth itself to support your lamebrained propaganda. you’re an idiot.
take that to the bank along with your disability check.

How tytpical of the mentally challenged.

When backed into a corner and confronted with irrefutable facts that prove them wrong…. they innevediably come back with something brilliant like this.

you haven’t proven a thing, american retard. let’s get back to the subject
here. show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people.
you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re stupid. show me.

i repeat myself here:

Again, You can say it all you want. You aren’t convincing anybody. If you are so darned smart then convince me fool. Make ME believe that Saddam was a saint and not the spawn of a filthy deamon.

i don’t care to convince you of anything. not worth the effort. you’re an american retard. however, just like your hero w, you haven’t proven shit about anything in regard to iraq.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative
in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.

You know, jerk, every time you open yourt mouth you just prove me more and more on the mark with my assesment of you. YOu really are a pathetic shut-in living in your mamma’s basemenr aren’t you? What do you do? Steal her Social Security check for your modem money?
whom hundreds of thousands are thought to be in mass graves."
Choke on that you imbecile!

Try that one on for size asswipe.

And from now on, YOU go to Google and support YOUR statements as well.

why? you haven’t supported your own.

I’ve gone a damned site further in supporting my contention. Now put up or shut the hell up.

you have to prove your lying claim. i’m not obligated to prove a negative
in this case. lying inbred sack of shit american.
Nov 10, 2004
wrote in message
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:51:47 -0500, "Scruff"

"Warlock" wrote in message
show me that saddam hussein "slaughtered millions" of his own people. you can’t, primarily because it isn’t true and secondarily because you’re
stupid. show me.
Aww, now you’re just trolling.

I agree. The more this idiot talks the more he proves he’s just another pathetic impotent troll.

Thank GOD

who? show me your god. i don’t think you can do it, you delusional tard.

he lives a solitary life in his mother’s basement…

considering the fact that my parents, both of whom were from the depression/ww2 generation, are dead, i simply don’t think that’s possible, fuckwad.

Otherwise he might breed and perpetuate his species!

just because you never get that noodle oiled is no reason to believe that everybody else is as desperate as you, mr. trailer trash. once again i’ll give you credit for the toothless fat hag in the next trailer if you’ll claim her.
Nov 10, 2004
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Hobbit #37" whimpered in message

PLEASE take this circular pissing up the wall contest elsewhere.

You don’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.

hey scruff, you’re an idiot. just wanted to mention that in case you haven’t been reminded lately.
Nov 10, 2004
wrote in message

what do you want? you want me to recite some banal stats from an american history textbook? typical for your type. has it ever occured to you that shit like that doesn’t mean crap to anybody except a gradeschool kid getting
ready for a test? who gives a fuck? i don’t. you’re making such a big deal about it and i still don’t care enough to google the info.
i don’t give a fuck about pearl harbor, kennedy’s assassination or american
veterans, although i was forced to attend a function at a VFW about a year ago in which i drank american piss beer and listened to some lethargic old coots make some speeches about the community. how’s that?
the funny thing is that you’re gonna go on and on about bullshit holidays and provide bogus url’s to back up your lying propaganda spoon fed to you by

LOLOLOLOL you crack me up! tell rush i said hi!

and, oh, btw, i won’t be thinking of you when i’m completely retired next june, living in a completely unencumbered house and not a care in the world,
except for the utilities and property taxes and such. fucking liberals. they’ll tax us to death! LOL

YOu STILL have not given one iota (new word… run and get that dictionry) of Evidence or support to anything you have claimed.
YOu are a troll…. Plain and simple. Go find somebody else to spar with. I am done with you. YOu are not even any fun now. I thought iwth that massive IQ of yours I would have thought you would use it better. Like I said elsewhere about talent.

Oh and I don’t think you are fooling anybody about this fantasy house of yours or your retirement. Kinda hard to retire from being a leech on your Mama’s Social Security check.


oh oh oh, please don’t run away! i know that rigid mind of yours is beginning to reel from alzheimers, a product of american "conservative" thought, but you’ve almost made this entire piss fest entertaining! i only hope that the OP stuck around to see what he wrought. HA!
Nov 10, 2004
If Bush had ever done anything "fair and square" in his life, he wouldn’t have gained entrance to any Ivy League school, he probably wouldn’t have made it into the National Guard, and he would likely be flipping burgers at McDonalds on the night shift…that is of course had he not been one of the first casualties after landing in Vietnam.

Peadge πŸ™‚

"edjh" wrote in message

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining
Mark Dunakin
Nov 10, 2004
Actually, from the Lightwave newsgroup, we DO run it, not this cross posting crap.
So take it else where……………md

Scruff wrote:

"Hobbit #37" whimpered in message

PLEASE take this circular pissing up the wall contest elsewhere.

You don’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.

Check out my Tutorials:

MD arts
Mark Dunakin

"May your forehead grow, like the mighty oak"
"The Movie"
Nov 10, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
"Scruff" wrote in message
"Hobbit #37" whimpered in message

PLEASE take this circular pissing up the wall contest elsewhere.

You don’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.

hey scruff, you’re an idiot. just wanted to mention that in case you haven’t been reminded lately.

Hey Warlock, you’re a wannabee, but I’m sure you know that.
Nov 10, 2004
"Mark Dunakin" wrote in message
Actually, from the Lightwave newsgroup, we DO run it, not this cross posting crap.
So take it else where……………md

Scruff wrote:

"Hobbit #37" whimpered in message

PLEASE take this circular pissing up the wall contest elsewhere.

You don’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.
If you don’t like it, and you run it, do something about it. And by the way, you’re the one doing the whining.
Nov 10, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
the united states is not the world.
Um, yes, it is the world. Without the USA the world would still be back in the bronze age.
The USA is the most powerful nation, bar none (name one) and the only one with the balls to step on the shit countries that need to be put in line. The USA has the technology and the manpower to conquer any country in the world and the rest should be thankful for it.
The USA is the watchdog of the universe. Anyone who disagrees is from a pea pot nation that can’t handle living in a powerless 3rd world country, which all others are when compared to the USA.
Nov 10, 2004
"Warlock" wrote in message
who? show me your god. i don’t think you can do it, you delusional tard.
The only thing god has to do with this is the violence that all the retarded middle-easterners kill and die for in the name of. What a fucking bunch of uneducated morons.
Nov 10, 2004
Fuck Pleadge. Any half edumicated moron knows all high end politicians are corrupt. Anyone in big biz is too. It’s the nature of the beast. The best liar always wins, doesn’t matter the party.

"Peadge" wrote in message
If Bush had ever done anything "fair and square" in his life, he wouldn’t have gained entrance to any Ivy League school, he probably wouldn’t have made it into the National Guard, and he would likely be flipping burgers
McDonalds on the night shift…that is of course had he not been one of
first casualties after landing in Vietnam.

Peadge πŸ™‚

"edjh" wrote in message

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining

Mark Dunakin
Nov 10, 2004
Scruff wrote:

on’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.
If you don’t like it, and you run it, do something about it. And by the way, you’re the one doing the whining.
At least, state which newsgroup YOU are responding from? Thats the least curtisy you can do for others, who want nothing to do with this crap-ola.
I HATE doing the old Kill File deal on a person, and KF’ing the person, does no good.
As you may be someone who really does contribute to the overall group, for LW.
If you really are a regular person to THIS group, which I never see you hanging out in THIS LW newsgroup.
Think no one can do anything about it, keep pushing the issue in OUR newsgroup and watch the fun begin.
Stop the CROSS POSTING, like a REAL man, and not this CONSTANT cross posting BS.
The BOTH of you!!!
Pick a group, and have the balls to at least keep your replies to the group you all are replying from.

Check out my Tutorials:

MD arts
Mark Dunakin

"May your forehead grow, like the mighty oak"
"The Movie"
Donald Link
Nov 10, 2004
Your rambling does not make sense. Mabey since you are so smart run for president. Opps mabey that requires that you have a life that people would vote for. Winner smile and losers cry deal.

On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 19:11:17 -0800, "Peadge"

If Bush had ever done anything "fair and square" in his life, he wouldn’t have gained entrance to any Ivy League school, he probably wouldn’t have made it into the National Guard, and he would likely be flipping burgers at McDonalds on the night shift…that is of course had he not been one of the first casualties after landing in Vietnam.

Peadge πŸ™‚

"edjh" wrote in message

If you believe that bullcrap you ARE a moron. Get over it. Your guy lost. Fair and square. You can try again in four years. I am so sick of the whining
Nov 10, 2004
Very nice Warlock! Goodbye now.

"Warlock" schreef in bericht
"Kiri" wrote in message
60 million inbred american retards, most of them christians, found a way to
vote for the lying imbecile. incredible. i’d be willing to wager that half of the kerry voters have no actual reason for voting for the lesser of two evils. americans are idiots. the funny thing is that i’m enjoying my travels as i make it very clear to every american i meet what an imbecile they are. it’s even more fun in person.

All that does is prove that YOU are the imbecile.
Face it, Bush won, the rest of us lost.

oh go I love yourself kiwi or whatever the flock you are. you come over here and live among these imbeciles for any amount of time and you’ll find out. americans are shitheads by the ton. they need to be reminded of that as often as possible.
Nov 10, 2004
"Mark Dunakin" wrote in message
Scruff wrote:

on’t decide how this newsgroup is run.
Take your whining elsewhere.
If you don’t like it, and you run it, do something about it. And by the way, you’re the one doing the whining.
At least, state which newsgroup YOU are responding from? Thats the least curtisy you can do for others, who want nothing to do with this crap-ola.
I HATE doing the old Kill File deal on a person, and KF’ing the person, does no good.
As you may be someone who really does contribute to the overall group, for LW.
If you really are a regular person to THIS group, which I never see you hanging out in THIS LW newsgroup.
Think no one can do anything about it, keep pushing the issue in OUR newsgroup and watch the fun begin.
Stop the CROSS POSTING, like a REAL man, and not this CONSTANT cross posting BS.
The BOTH of you!!!
Pick a group, and have the balls to at least keep your replies to the group you all are replying from.
I started in I have no idea where the others com from, I just hit reply group and that’s as far as I go. Deal with it on your end, big boy.
Nov 11, 2004
Buzackly! It all comes down to whether you prefer elephant poop or donkey poop. Fascism is often defined as one party control. Our two party system is as close as we can get to fascism with out having the label actually stick. BTW, I usually vote Libertarian. At least they realize there are some grown-ups out there that don’t want or need the Nanny State to check their diapers. Piss on the Demicans and Republicrats. Both parties are fighting over hind tit anyway.

Peadge πŸ™‚

"Scruff" wrote in message
Fuck Pleadge. Any half edumicated moron knows all high end politicians
corrupt. Anyone in big biz is too. It’s the nature of the beast. The best liar always wins, doesn’t matter the party.
Nov 11, 2004
It only makes sense to people who are smart enough to figure out Spell Check.

Peadge πŸ™‚

"Donald Link" wrote in message
Your rambling does not make sense. Mabey since you are so smart run for president. Opps mabey that requires that you have a life that people would vote for. Winner smile and losers cry deal.
Nov 11, 2004
Um, they are basically retreating. As usual.

"BJ in Texas" wrote in message
Hey France is doing a good job in Ivory Coast, they thouhgt it would be
easier than Iraq, probably right but I will wait until they get stuck and beg
for help as usual and the US can tell them to stuff it.

Nov 11, 2004
"Peadge" wrote in message
Buzackly! It all comes down to whether you prefer elephant poop or donkey poop. Fascism is often defined as one party control. Our two party system is as close as we can get to fascism with out having the label actually stick. BTW, I usually vote Libertarian. At least they realize there are some grown-ups out there that don’t want or need the Nanny State to check their diapers. Piss on the Demicans and Republicrats. Both parties are fighting over hind tit anyway.
I generally vote Libertarian as well. I don’t agree with a lot of their agenda,
but at least they don’t piss me off every third sentence.

You’re right though. The two parties are so similar that it’s often hard to tell them apart. You got the borrow and spend Republicans, and the tax and spend democrats, but it all comes out of our pockets anyway. They are both doing whatever they can to create a law for every occasion, to the point that there is little you can do without breaking one law or another. They both spend most of their time going on about stuff that real doesn’t matter (but they act as though they think it is important). The reality is that it is all smoke and mirrors to keep us from noticing the important issues.

I lump them together and refer to them as Demonicans πŸ™‚

Ben Hur
Nov 11, 2004
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 18:21:07 GMT, BJ in Texas wrote:

|| You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George || Bush as your President.
|| He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!
|| –

If I thought the results of our elections would bring out the likes of this idiot, I would have voted for Bush just to see the show.


Enough! Cast your votes for the newsgroups Emmy. is it Skinner or Warlock?

Using Opera’s revolutionary e-mail client:
Mark Dunakin
Nov 11, 2004
It’s a tie LOL πŸ™‚

Ben Hur wrote:

On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 18:21:07 GMT, BJ in Texas

|| You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George || Bush as your President.
|| He’s a complete moron and so are most of you!
|| –

If I thought the results of our elections would bring out the likes of this idiot, I would have voted for Bush just to see the show.


Enough! Cast your votes for the newsgroups Emmy. is it Skinner or Warlock?

Check out my Tutorials:

MD arts
Mark Dunakin

"May your forehead grow, like the mighty oak"
"The Movie"
Nov 11, 2004
There’re some people who want to say something:
Nov 13, 2004
Demonicans! LOL! I like that one!

The United States…the so-called "land of the free" has, by far, the highest per capita prison population in the world. No other country has a greater percentage of its own citizens behind bars. I can’t believe it is because Americans are so much more willing to commit crimes than people from other countries. Instead, I believe the number of criminals is directly proportional to the number of laws we have. Since no other country has as many laws as we do, and no other country has so many things illegal as we do, I think this theory is sound.

Things that crack me up about the "Demonicans" is their "Drug War" strategy. They think that by making laws that make the drugs extremely lucrative, that it will somehow stop their manufacture and trade. To top this off, we arrest people for using them and then put them in prison AT OUR EXPENSE where drug use is most rampant! It would be like making homosexual activity illegal and then putting those guilty of practicing it in prison. Yeah, that’ll stop it! Nothing like that goes on in prison. That’ll teach them. I’ve heard stories of people going to prison for non-drug offenses only to come out addicted. Insane.

Why are drug sniffing dogs considered "good" but drug sniffing people are considered "bad?"

Peadge πŸ™‚

"david.mccall" wrote in message
"Peadge" wrote in message
Buzackly! It all comes down to whether you prefer elephant poop or
poop. Fascism is often defined as one party control. Our two party
is as close as we can get to fascism with out having the label actually stick. BTW, I usually vote Libertarian. At least they realize there are some grown-ups out there that don’t want or need the Nanny State to
their diapers. Piss on the Demicans and Republicrats. Both parties are fighting over hind tit anyway.
I generally vote Libertarian as well. I don’t agree with a lot of their agenda,
but at least they don’t piss me off every third sentence.
You’re right though. The two parties are so similar that it’s often hard to tell them apart. You got the borrow and spend Republicans, and the tax and spend democrats, but it all comes out of our pockets anyway. They are both doing whatever they can to create a law for every occasion, to the point that there is little you can do without breaking one law or another. They both spend most of their time going on about stuff that real doesn’t matter (but they act as though they think it is important). The reality is that it is all smoke and
to keep us from noticing the important issues.

I lump them together and refer to them as Demonicans πŸ™‚

Nov 13, 2004
Peadge wrote:
Demonicans! LOL! I like that one!

The United States…the so-called "land of the free" has, by far, the highest per capita prison population in the world. No other country has a greater percentage of its own citizens behind bars. I can’t believe it is because Americans are so much more willing to commit crimes than people from other countries. Instead, I believe the number of criminals is directly proportional to the number of laws we have. Since no other country has as many laws as we do, and no other country has so many things illegal as we do, I think this theory is sound.

Things that crack me up about the "Demonicans" is their "Drug War" strategy. They think that by making laws that make the drugs extremely lucrative, that it will somehow stop their manufacture and trade. To top this off, we arrest people for using them and then put them in prison AT OUR EXPENSE where drug use is most rampant! It would be like making homosexual activity illegal and then putting those guilty of practicing it in prison. Yeah, that’ll stop it! Nothing like that goes on in prison. That’ll teach them. I’ve heard stories of people going to prison for non-drug offenses only to come out addicted. Insane.

Why are drug sniffing dogs considered "good" but drug sniffing people are considered "bad?"

Animal Abuse.


Watch Spot run, Run Spot Run.
Watch Spot be trained to take another hit.


War is not to find Weapons Of Mass Destruction, it’s to find Oil:


Nov 13, 2004
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 00:21:15 +0100, V1nc3nt

There’re some people who want to say something:

You blithering idiots! You nearly elected that imbecile Kerry as your President. Now you launch a ‘Sorry Everybody’ letter
and of course you’ll end the letter with "make a Donation".

LOL… you’ll even try to make money out of Kerry’s lost:-)

one of uncle George’s supporters
Nov 13, 2004
Not only are they stupid, they want to be paid for it!

"DD" wrote in message
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 00:21:15 +0100, V1nc3nt

There’re some people who want to say something:

You blithering idiots! You nearly elected that imbecile Kerry as your President. Now you launch a ‘Sorry Everybody’ letter
and of course you’ll end the letter with "make a Donation".
LOL… you’ll even try to make money out of Kerry’s lost:-)
one of uncle George’s supporters

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